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State-aware Video Procedural Captioning

Published: 17 October 2021 Publication History


Video procedural captioning (VPC), which generates procedural text from instructional videos, is an essential task for scene understanding and real-world applications. The main challenge of VPC is to describe how to manipulate materials accurately. This paper focuses on this challenge by designing a new VPC task, generating a procedural text from the clip sequence of an instructional video and material list. In this task, the state of materials is sequentially changed by manipulations, yielding their state-aware visual representations (e.g., eggs are transformed into cracked, stirred, then fried forms). The essential difficulty is to convert such visual representations into textual representations; that is, a model should track the material states after manipulations to better associate the cross-modal relations. To achieve this, we propose a novel VPC method, which modifies an existing textual simulator for tracking material states as a visual simulator and incorporates it into a video captioning model. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method, which outperforms state-of-the-art video captioning models. We further analyze the learned embedding of materials to demonstrate that the simulators capture their state transition. The code and dataset are available from

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Video procedural captioning (VPC), which generates procedural text from instructional videos, is an essential task for scene understanding and real-world applications. The main challenge of VPC is to describe how to manipulate materials accurately. This paper focuses on this challenge by designing a new VPC task, generating a procedural text from the clip sequence of an instructional video and material list. In this task, the state of materials is sequentially changed by manipulations, yielding their state-aware visual representations (e.g., eggs are transformed into cracked, stirred, then fried forms). The essential difficulty is to convert such visual representations into textual representations; that is, a model should track the material states after manipulations to better associate the cross-modal relations. To achieve this, we propose a novel VPC method, which modifies an existing textual simulator for tracking material states as a visual simulator and incorporates it into a video captioning model.


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MM '21: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
October 2021
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 17 October 2021


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  1. instructional video
  2. procedural text
  3. simulator


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