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Heterogeneous Face Recognition with Attention-guided Feature Disentangling

Published: 17 October 2021 Publication History


This paper proposes an attention-guided feature disentangling framework (AgFD) to eliminate the large cross-modality discrepancy for Heterogeneous Face Recognition (HFR). Existing HFR methods either focus only on extracting identity features or impose linear/no independence constraints on the decomposed components. Instead, our AgFD disentangles the facial representation and forces intrinsic independence between identity features and identity-irrelevant variations. To this end, an Attention-based Residual Decomposition Module (AbRDM) and an Adversarial Decorrelation Module (ADM) are presented. AbRDM provides hierarchical complementary feature disentanglement, while ADM is introduced for decorrelation learning. Extensive experiments on the challenging CASIA NIR-VIS 2.0 Database, Oulu-CASIA NIR&VIS Database, BUAA-VisNir Database, and IIIT-D Viewed Sketch Database demonstrate the generalization ability and competitive performance of the proposed method.


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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 17 October 2021


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  1. de-correlation
  2. disentangled representation learning
  3. heterogeneous face recognition
  4. self-attention


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  • the Sichuan Provincial S&T Projects
  • the National Natural Science Foundation of China


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