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CoCo-BERT: Improving Video-Language Pre-training with Contrastive Cross-modal Matching and Denoising

Published: 17 October 2021 Publication History


BERT-type structure has led to the revolution of vision-language pre-training and the achievement of state-of-the-art results on numerous vision-language downstream tasks. Existing solutions dominantly capitalize on the multi-modal inputs with mask tokens to trigger mask-based proxy pre-training tasks (e.g., masked language modeling and masked object/frame prediction). In this work, we argue that such masked inputs would inevitably introduce noise for cross-modal matching proxy task, and thus leave the inherent vision-language association under-explored. As an alternative, we derive a particular form of cross-modal proxy objective for video-language pre-training, i.e., Contrastive Cross-modal matching and denoising (CoCo). By viewing the masked frame/word sequences as the noisy augmentation of primary unmasked ones, CoCo strengthens video-language association by simultaneously pursuing inter-modal matching and intra-modal denoising between masked and unmasked inputs in a contrastive manner. Our CoCo proxy objective can be further integrated into any BERT-type encoder-decoder structure for video-language pre-training, named as Contrastive Cross-modal BERT (CoCo-BERT). We pre-train CoCo-BERT on TV dataset and a newly collected large-scale GIF video dataset (ACTION). Through extensive experiments over a wide range of downstream tasks (e.g., cross-modal retrieval, video question answering, and video captioning), we demonstrate the superiority of CoCo-BERT as a pre-trained structure.


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MM '21: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
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Published: 17 October 2021


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  1. contrastive learning
  2. cross-modal retrieval
  3. video captioning
  4. video understanding
  5. vision-language pre-training


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  • National Key R&D Program of China


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