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The Perception of Affordances in Mobile Augmented Reality

Published: 16 September 2021 Publication History


Today, augmented reality (AR) is most easily experienced through a mobile device such as a modern smartphone. For AR to be useful for applications such as training, it is important to understand how people perceive interactions with virtual objects presented to them via mobile AR. In this paper, we investigated two judgments of action capabilities (affordances) with virtual objects presented through smartphones: passing through an aperture and stepping over a gap. Our goals were to 1) determine if people can reliably scale these judgments to their body dimensions or capabilities and 2) explore whether cues presented in the context of the action could change their judgments. Assessments of perceived action capabilities were made in a pre/post-test design in which observers judged their affordances towards virtual objects prior to seeing an AR cue denoting their body dimension/capability, while viewing the cue, and after seeing the cue. Different patterns of results were found for the two affordances. For passing through, estimates became closer to shoulder width in the post-cue compared to the pre-cue block. For gap stepping, estimates were closer to actual stepping capability while viewing the cue, but did not persist when the cue was no longer present. Overall, our findings show that mobile smartphones can be used to assess perceived action capabilities with virtual targets and that AR cues can influence the perception of action capabilities in these devices. Our work provides a foundation for future studies investigating perception with the use of mobile AR with smartphones.


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  1. The Perception of Affordances in Mobile Augmented Reality



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    Published: 16 September 2021


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    1. affordances
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    • (2023)Calibrated Passability Perception in Virtual Reality Transfers to Augmented RealityACM Transactions on Applied Perception10.1145/361345020:4(1-16)Online publication date: 25-Oct-2023
    • (2022)Remote evaluation of augmented reality interaction with personal health informationFrontiers in Computer Science10.3389/fcomp.2022.9346944Online publication date: 15-Aug-2022
    • (2022)Perceiving Affordances for Passing Through Apertures: A Discussion of Factors Influencing Replication Across Extended Reality2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct)10.1109/ISMAR-Adjunct57072.2022.00061(274-275)Online publication date: Oct-2022

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