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To Be or Not to Be Stuck, or Is It a Continuum?: A Systematic Literature Review on the Concept of Being Stuck in Games

Published: 06 October 2021 Publication History


Players can get stuck in video games, which impedes their process to their goal and results in unfavorable outcomes like negative emotions, impediments of flow, and obstacles for learning. Currently, it is not easily possible to assess if a player is stuck, as no widely accepted definition of "being stuck" in games exists. We conducted 13 expert interviews and a systematic literature review with 104 relevant papers selected from 4022 candidates. We present a definition of "being stuck" that conceptualizes the state as a continuum and contextualize it within related concepts. Our stuck continuum can be applied to regulate the player's stuck level. We propose a taxonomy of measures that are useful for the detection of the level of stuckness and discuss the effectiveness of countermeasures. Our stuck concept is crucial for game developers creating an optimal player experience in games.

Supplemental Material

ZIP File
Our supplementary material consists of 2 files: 1) synthesis_being_stuck.xlsx This is the final spreadsheet with all raw data created during full-text screening and used for the synthesis.


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