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Multimodal Fusion Strategies for Physiological-emotion Analysis

Published: 20 October 2021 Publication History


Physiological-emotion analysis is a novel aspect of automatic emotion analysis. It can support revealing a subject's emotional state, even if he/she consciously suppresses the emotional expression. In this paper, we present our solutions for the MuSe-Physio sub-challenge of Multimodal Sentiment Analysis (MuSe) 2021. The aim of this task is to predict the level of psycho-physiological arousal from combined audio-visual signals and the galvanic skin response (also known as Electrodermal Activity signals) of subjects under a highly stress-induced free speech scenario. In the scenarios, the speaker's emotion can be conveyed in different modalities including acoustic, visual, textual, and physiological signal modalities. Due to the complementarity of different modalities, the fusion of the multiple modalities has a large impact on emotion analysis. In this paper, we highlight two aspects of our solutions: 1) we explore various efficient low-level and high-level features from different modalities for this task, 2) we propose two effective multi-modal fusion strategies to make full use of the different modalities. Our solutions achieve the best CCC performance of 0.5728 on the challenge testing set, which significantly outperforms the baseline system with corresponding CCC of 0.4908. The experimental results show that our proposed various effective features and efficient fusion strategies have a strong generalization ability and can bring more robust performance.


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  • (2024)Wearable Solutions Using Physiological Signals for Stress Monitoring on Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Systematic Literature ReviewSensors10.3390/s2424813724:24(8137)Online publication date: 20-Dec-2024



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MuSe '21: Proceedings of the 2nd on Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Challenge
October 2021
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 20 October 2021


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  1. emotion prediction
  2. multimodal
  3. multmodal fusion


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MM '21
MM '21: ACM Multimedia Conference
October 24, 2021
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  • (2024)Wearable Solutions Using Physiological Signals for Stress Monitoring on Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Systematic Literature ReviewSensors10.3390/s2424813724:24(8137)Online publication date: 20-Dec-2024

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