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View all- Zhao YAdkins JTu C(2024)Challenges and Practices of Knowledge Sharing in E-learning: A Systematic Literature ReviewInformation Systems Education Journal10.62273/KBZV415922:4(4-14)Online publication date: 2024
Applying uses and gratifications theory (UGT) and social capital theory, our study examined users of four social networking sites (SNSs) (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat), and their influence on online bridging and bonding social capital. ...
On-line social networking sites often involve multiple relations simultaneously. While people can build an explicit social network by adding each other as friends, they can also form several implicit social networks through their daily interactions like ...
This research aimed to explore types of online social capital bridging and bonding that the Emiratis perceive in the context of social networking site SNS usage. A snow-ball sample of 230 Emiratis from two Emirates, Abu Dhabi and Dubai was used. The ...
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