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Online DATEing: A Web Interface for Temporal Annotations

Published: 07 July 2022 Publication History


Despite more than two decades of research on temporal tagging and temporal relation extraction, usable tools for annotating text remain very basic and hard to set up from an average end-user perspective, limiting the applicability of developments to a selected group of invested researchers. In this work, we aim to increase the accessibility of temporal tagging systems by presenting an intuitive web interface, called "Online DATEing", which simplifies the interaction with existing temporal annotation frameworks. Our system integrates several approaches in a single interface and streamlines the process of importing (and tagging) groups of documents, as well as making it accessible through a programmatic API. It further enables users to interactively investigate and visualize tagged texts, and is designed with an extensible API for the inclusion of new models or data formats. A web demonstration of our tool is available at and public code accessible at


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  • (2023)Time expression recognition and normalization: a surveyArtificial Intelligence Review10.1007/s10462-023-10400-y56:9(9115-9140)Online publication date: 24-Jan-2023
  • (2023)Verification of Quantitative Temporal Compliance Requirements in Process Descriptions Over Event LogsAdvanced Information Systems Engineering10.1007/978-3-031-34560-9_25(417-433)Online publication date: 12-Jun-2023



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cover image ACM Conferences
SIGIR '22: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
July 2022
3569 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 07 July 2022


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  1. information extraction
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  • (2023)Comparing Automated vs. Manual Approaches for Information Retrieval2023 2nd International Conference on Futuristic Technologies (INCOFT)10.1109/INCOFT60753.2023.10425035(1-6)Online publication date: 24-Nov-2023
  • (2023)Time expression recognition and normalization: a surveyArtificial Intelligence Review10.1007/s10462-023-10400-y56:9(9115-9140)Online publication date: 24-Jan-2023
  • (2023)Verification of Quantitative Temporal Compliance Requirements in Process Descriptions Over Event LogsAdvanced Information Systems Engineering10.1007/978-3-031-34560-9_25(417-433)Online publication date: 12-Jun-2023

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