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ACORDAR: A Test Collection for Ad Hoc Content-Based (RDF) Dataset Retrieval

Published: 07 July 2022 Publication History


Ad hoc dataset retrieval is a trending topic in IR research. Methods and systems are evolving from metadata-based to content-based ones which exploit the data itself for improving retrieval accuracy but thus far lack a specialized test collection. In this paper, we build and release the first test collection for ad hoc content-based dataset retrieval, where content-oriented dataset queries and content-based relevance judgments are annotated by human experts who are assisted with a dashboard designed specifically for comprehensively and conveniently browsing both the metadata and data of a dataset. We conduct extensive experiments on the test collection to analyze its difficulty and provide insights into the underlying task.

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MP4 File (SIGIR22-rs1336.mp4)
Ad hoc dataset retrieval methods are evolving from metadata-based to content-based ones which exploit the data itself but thus far lack a specialized test collection. In this paper, we build and release the first test collection for ad hoc content-based dataset retrieval, where content-oriented dataset queries and content-based relevance judgments are annotated by human experts. In particular, we designed a dashboard to help experts to comprehensively and conveniently browse both the metadata and large data of datasets. Finally, we evaluate four retrieval models TF-IDF, BM25F, FSDM, and LMD on the test collection.


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SIGIR '22: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
July 2022
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Published: 07 July 2022


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  1. ad hoc dataset retrieval
  2. dataset browsing
  3. dataset search
  4. rdf
  5. test collection


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  • NSFC
  • SIRIUS centre: Norwegian Research Council project



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