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Generative Adversarial Framework for Cold-Start Item Recommendation

Published: 07 July 2022 Publication History


The cold-start problem has been a long-standing issue in recommendation. Embedding-based recommendation models provide recommendations by learning embeddings for each user and item from historical interactions. Therefore, such embedding-based models perform badly for cold items which haven't emerged in the training set. The most common solutions are to generate the cold embedding for the cold item from its content features. However, the cold embeddings generated from contents have different distribution as the warm embeddings are learned from historical interactions. In this case, current cold-start methods are facing an interesting seesaw phenomenon, which improves the recommendation of either the cold items or the warm items but hurts the opposite ones. To this end, we propose a general framework named Generative Adversarial Recommendation (GAR). By training the generator and the recommender adversarially, the generated cold item embeddings can have similar distribution as the warm embeddings that can even fool the recommender. Simultaneously, the recommender is fine-tuned to correctly rank the "fake'' warm embeddings and the real warm embeddings. Consequently, the recommendation of the warms and the colds will not influence each other, thus avoiding the seesaw phenomenon. Additionally, GAR could be applied to any off-the-shelf recommendation model. Experiments on two datasets present that GAR has strong overall recommendation performance in cold-starting both the CF-based model (improved by over 30.18%) and the GNN-based model (improved by over 17.78%).


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SIGIR '22: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
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