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A Dual-Expert Framework for Event Argument Extraction

Published: 07 July 2022 Publication History


Event argument extraction (EAE) is an important information extraction task, which aims to identify the arguments of an event described in a given text and classify the roles played by them. A key characteristic in realistic EAE data is that the instance numbers of different roles follow an obvious long-tail distribution. However, the training and evaluation paradigms of existing EAE models either prone to neglect the performance on "tail roles'', or change the role instance distribution for model training to an unrealistic uniform distribution. Though some generic methods can alleviate the class imbalance in long-tail datasets, they usually sacrifice the performance of "head classes'' as a trade-off. To address the above issues, we propose to train our model on realistic long-tail EAE datasets, and evaluate the average performance over all roles. Inspired by the Mixture of Experts (MOE), we propose a Routing-Balanced Dual Expert Framework (RBDEF), which divides all roles into "head" and "tail" two scopes and assigns the classifications of head and tail roles to two separate experts. In inference, each encoded instance will be allocated to one of the two experts by a routing mechanism. To reduce routing errors caused by the imbalance of role instances, we design a Balanced Routing Mechanism (BRM), which transfers several head roles to the tail expert to balance the load of routing, and employs a tri-filter routing strategy to reduce the misallocation of the tail expert's instances. To enable an effective learning of tail roles with scarce instances, we devise Target-Specialized Meta Learning (TSML) to train the tail expert. Different from other meta learning algorithms that only search a generic parameter initialization equally applying to infinite tasks, TSML can adaptively adjust its search path to obtain a specialized initialization for the tail expert, thereby expanding the benefits to the learning of tail roles. In experiments, RBDEF significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art EAE models and advanced methods for long-tail data.

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MP4 File (SIGIR22-fp0717.mp4)
Event argument Extraction (EAE) aims to identify the arguments of an event described in a given text and classify the roles played by them, whose role instance numbers follow a long-tail distribution in realistic datasets. In order to improve the prediction performance of tail roles without sacrificing that of head roles, we propose a Routing Balanced Dual-Expert Framework (RBDEF), which leverages two independent expert modules to predict head and tail roles respectively. To accurately assign each instance to the corresponding expert, we devise a Balanced Routing Mechanism. To enable an effective learning of tail roles with scarce instances, we design a Target-Specialized Meta Learning algorithm to train the tail expert. In experiments, RBDEF significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art EAE models and advanced generic methods for long-tail data.


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SIGIR '22: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
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  • (2024)Token-Event-Role Structure-Based Multi-Channel Document-Level Event ExtractionACM Transactions on Information Systems10.1145/364388542:4(1-27)Online publication date: 22-Mar-2024
  • (2023)Transcription between human-readable synthetic descriptions and machine-executable instructions: an application of the latest pre-training technologyChemical Science10.1039/D3SC02483K14:35(9360-9373)Online publication date: 2023

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