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Bias Mitigation for Toxicity Detection via Sequential Decisions

Published: 07 July 2022 Publication History


Increased social media use has contributed to the greater prevalence of abusive, rude, and offensive textual comments. Machine learning models have been developed to detect toxic comments online, yet these models tend to show biases against users with marginalized or minority identities (e.g., females and African Americans). Established research in debiasing toxicity classifiers often (1) takes a static or batch approach, assuming that all information is available and then making a one-time decision; and (2) uses a generic strategy to mitigate different biases (e.g., gender and racial biases) that assumes the biases are independent of one another. However, in real scenarios, the input typically arrives as a sequence of comments/words over time instead of all at once. Thus, decisions based on partial information must be made while additional input is arriving. Moreover, social bias is complex by nature. Each type of bias is defined within its unique context, which, consistent with intersectionality theory within the social sciences, might be correlated with the contexts of other forms of bias. In this work, we consider debiasing toxicity detection as a sequential decision-making process where different biases can be interdependent. In particular, we study debiasing toxicity detection with two aims: (1) to examine whether different biases tend to correlate with each other; and (2) to investigate how to jointly mitigate these correlated biases in an interactive manner to minimize the total amount of bias. At the core of our approach is a framework built upon theories of sequential Markov Decision Processes that seeks to maximize the prediction accuracy and minimize the bias measures tailored to individual biases. Evaluations on two benchmark datasets empirically validate the hypothesis that biases tend to be correlated and corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed sequential debiasing strategy.

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  • (2023)Anatomy of Hate Speech DatasetsProceedings of the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media10.1145/3603163.3609158(1-11)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2023



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SIGIR '22: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
July 2022
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Published: 07 July 2022


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  1. sequential decision-making
  2. social media
  3. toxicity detection
  4. unintended bias


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  • (2024)A Comprehensive Approach to Bias Mitigation for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media DataApplied Sciences10.3390/app14231147114:23(11471)Online publication date: 9-Dec-2024
  • (2024)SMART-TBI: Design and Evaluation of the Social Media Accessibility and Rehabilitation Toolkit for Users with Traumatic Brain InjuryProceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility10.1145/3663548.3675641(1-19)Online publication date: 27-Oct-2024
  • (2023)Anatomy of Hate Speech DatasetsProceedings of the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media10.1145/3603163.3609158(1-11)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2023

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