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Constructing Better Evaluation Metrics by Incorporating the Anchoring Effect into the User Model

Published: 07 July 2022 Publication History


Models of existing evaluation metrics assume that users are rational decision-makers trying to pursue maximised utility. However, studies in behavioural economics show that people are not always rational when making decisions. Previous studies showed that the anchoring effect can influence the relevance judgement of a document. In this paper, we challenge the rational user assumption and introduce the anchoring effect into user models. We first propose a framework for query-level evaluation metrics by incorporating the anchoring effect into the user model. In the framework, the magnitude of the anchoring effect is related to the quality of the previous document. We then apply our framework to several query-level evaluation metrics and compare them with their vanilla version as the baseline in terms of user satisfaction on a publicly available search dataset. As a result, our Anchoring-aware Metrics (AMs) outperformed their baselines in term of correlation with user satisfaction. The result suggests that we can better predict user query satisfaction feedbacks by incorporating the anchoring effect into user models of existing evaluating metrics. As far as we know, we are the first to introduce the anchoring effect into information retrieval evaluation metrics. Our findings provide a perspective from behavioural economics to better understand user behaviour and satisfaction in search interaction.

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    1. anchoring effect
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