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Incorporating Context Graph with Logical Reasoning for Inductive Relation Prediction

Published: 07 July 2022 Publication History


Relation prediction on knowledge graphs (KGs) aims to infer missing valid triples from observed ones. Although this task has been deeply studied, most previous studies are limited to the transductive setting and cannot handle emerging entities. Actually, the inductive setting is closer to real-life scenarios because it allows entities in the testing phase to be unseen during training. However, it is challenging to precisely conduct inductive relation prediction as there exists requirements of entity-independent relation modeling and discrete logical reasoning for interoperability. To this end, we propose a novel model ConGLR to incorporate context graph with logical reasoning. Firstly, the enclosing subgraph w.r.t. target head and tail entities are extracted and initialized by the double radius labeling. And then the context graph involving relational paths, relations and entities is introduced. Secondly, two graph convolutional networks (GCNs) with the information interaction of entities and relations are carried out to process the subgraph and context graph respectively. Considering the influence of different edges and target relations, we introduce edge-aware and relation-aware attention mechanisms for the subgraph GCN. Finally, by treating the relational path as rule body and target relation as rule head, we integrate neural calculating and logical reasoning to obtain inductive scores. And to focus on the specific modeling goals of each module, the stop-gradient is utilized in the information interaction between context graph and subgraph GCNs in the training process. In this way, ConGLR satisfies two inductive requirements at the same time. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ConGLR obtains outstanding performance against state-of-the-art baselines on twelve inductive dataset versions of three common KGs.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (SIGIR22-modfp0461.mp4)
In this viedo, we talk about the model ConGLR that incorporates context graph with logical reasoning for inductive relation prediction. ConGLR satisfies both modeling level and reasoning level requirements of inductive relation prediction by introducing the context graph.


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  1. Incorporating Context Graph with Logical Reasoning for Inductive Relation Prediction



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      SIGIR '22: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
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      1. context graph
      2. first-order logic
      3. inductive relation prediction
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      5. logical reasoning


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