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You Need to Read Again: Multi-granularity Perception Network for Moment Retrieval in Videos

Published: 07 July 2022 Publication History


Moment retrieval in videos is a challenging task that aims to retrieve the most relevant video moment in an untrimmed video given a sentence description. Previous methods tend to perform self-modal learning and cross-modal interaction in a coarse manner, which neglect fine-grained clues contained in video content, query context, and their alignment. To this end, we propose a novel Multi-Granularity Perception Network (MGPN) that perceives intra-modality and inter-modality information at a multi-granularity level. Specifically, we formulate moment retrieval as a multi-choice reading comprehension task and integrate human reading strategies into our framework. A coarse-grained feature encoder and a co-attention mechanism are utilized to obtain a preliminary perception of intra-modality and inter-modality information. Then a fine-grained feature encoder and a conditioned interaction module are introduced to enhance the initial perception inspired by how humans address reading comprehension problems. Moreover, to alleviate the huge computation burden of some existing methods, we further design an efficient choice comparison module and reduce the hidden size with imperceptible quality loss. Extensive experiments on Charades-STA, TACoS, and ActivityNet Captions datasets demonstrate that our solution outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods.

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We formulate moment retrieval task from the perspective of multi-choice reading comprehension and propose a novel Multi-Granularity Perception Network (MGPN) to tackle it. We integrate several human reading strategies (i.e. passage question reread, enhanced passage question alignment, choice comparison) into our framework and empower our model to perceive intra-modality and inter-modality information at a multi-granularity level. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed MGPN.


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SIGIR '22: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
July 2022
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Published: 07 July 2022


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  1. human reading strategies
  2. moment retrieval in videos
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