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View all- Liu XGuo CYao BSarikaya R(2024)A Self-Learning Framework for Large-Scale Conversational AI SystemsIEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine10.1109/MCI.2024.336397119:2(34-48)Online publication date: 5-Apr-2024
In the last five years, work on software that interacts with people via typed or spoken natural language, called chatbots, intelligent assistants, social bots, virtual companions, non-human players, and so on, increased dramatically. Chatbots burst into ...
We are in the midst of an AI revolution. Three primary disruptive changes set off this revolution: 1) increase in compute power, mobile internet, and advances in deep learning. The next decade is expected to be about the proliferation of Internet-of-...
Spoken dialog systems, lacking the means to address the complex phenomena of spontaneous speech and conversational dynamics, force users into a constrained mode of dialog that resembles text-based interaction more closely than spoken conversation. Turn-...
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