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View all- Cai CZhao QXu RQin B(2023)Multimodal Dialogue Understanding via Holistic Modeling and Sequence LabelingNatural Language Processing and Chinese Computing10.1007/978-3-031-44699-3_36(399-411)Online publication date: 12-Oct-2023
Information behaviour models have been used extensively to explain people's interactions with information, such as in information search and user behaviour in libraries. However, we do not yet know the connection between components of information models ...
Nonverbal cues are considered the most important part in social communication. Many people desire people; but due to the stigma and unavailability of resources, they are unable to practice their social skills. In this work, we envision a virtual ...
In this paper, we introduce a simulation platform for modeling and building Embodied Human-Computer Interactions (EHCI). This system, VoxWorld, is a multimodal dialogue system enabling communication through language, gesture, action, facial expressions, ...
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