1 Introduction
Software-based implementations of controllers are becoming increasingly more common in domains like avionics, automotive, and industrial automation. For example, in the automotive domain, control functions like steering and braking are gradually moving from traditional mechanical or hydraulics systems to electronics and software. These applications are typically implemented on a distributed electrical and electronic (E/E) platform, where a number of electronic control units (ECUs), sensors, and actuators are connected via communication buses such as Ethernet, FlexRay, and CAN. Hence, a distributed embedded control application is partitioned into several software tasks mapped on different ECUs and these tasks communicate via messages sent over the bus. The design of such applications involves two different phases, viz., controller design and platform design. Controller design determines the control law, its parameters, and the appropriate sampling period for an application. Platform design, among other things, computes the task and message schedules.
Conventionally, the platform and the controllers are first designed in isolated design spaces and then integrated [
29]. In this approach, the values of the sampling period and the closed-loop delay assumed during the controller design might not be satisfied in the actual platform implementation (i.e., the tasks and/or messages are not schedulable). Similarly, during the platform implementation, it might be assumed that a small change in the periods (or priorities) of the tasks and/or messages will not lead to a significant degradation in the
quality of control (
QoC). Such assumptions might lead to an error-prone design or long debugging and integration phases. Therefore, to guarantee the safety of the system, engineers often make more conservative assumptions, resulting in less efficient designs. However, as the size and the complexity of systems increase, both computation and communication resources are becoming scarce, making resource-efficient design increasingly important. To address this problem, there has been work [
39] on platform and control
co-design. In contrast to the conventional principle of separation of concerns, co-design approaches try to integrate the design of platform and controllers in an early design phase and exploit the characteristics on both sides to arrive at a more efficient design. Typically, the objectives are to achieve better QoC and minimize resource usage.
Although there is consensus on the advantages of co-design techniques, state of the art co-design methods are far away from the state of practice [
46]. The main reason for this is that tools used for controller design and those used for platform design are separate and, more importantly, they are often from different suppliers. Each tool is a product of years of experience in a specific domain. Tool developers and users mostly have a particular set of expertise. Thus, it is challenging to extend one tool and incorporate the functionalities of another from a different domain. An integrated tool flow requires strong collaboration among tool suppliers from different domains [
In this context, we consider, as an example, FlexRay-based ECU networks from the automotive domain and studied the implementation of controllers on such a platform. We propose a toolchain that enables the development of FlexRay-based systems. This toolchain consists of MATLAB/Simulink for the modeling, design, and analysis of control systems, and SIMTOOLS/SIMTARGET toolboxes [
41] for platform modeling and configuration. We first studied the conventional design flow of automotive embedded controllers using such a toolchain. In this work, we then integrated these tools to support a control/platform co-design scheme [
36]. In other words, we propose an integrated toolchain to address the challenges faced when extending co-design methods to practice in an industrial setting. When compared to a conventional one, our proposed toolchain enables a more convenient and efficient design flow (see Figure
1 for a comparison).
Conventional design flow: Traditionally, control software development can be divided into three phases: (i) the design phase, which involves the calculation and validation of parameters like the control gains, and task and message schedules based on some specification (such as plant models, performance criteria, and an architecture model); (ii) the implementation phase, where the system and application software are modeled and configured using the parameters obtained from the design phase; and (iii) the code generation phase, where the implemented models are used to generate code and binary files for deployment on a hardware platform. The available toolchains automate certain parts of this development process, e.g., (i) SIMTOOLS/SIMTARGET provide specific blocksets that enable modeling of ECUs and a FlexRay network, partitioning and mapping of tasks, packing of messages into frames, configuration of task and message schedules, and defining input and output interfaces; and (ii) the Simulink Realtime Workshop (RTW) along with SIMTARGET can be used to generate C-code and binary files.
Nevertheless, using such tools, software development also involves the following manual processes and is time-consuming and error-prone. (i) In the design phase, the specification needs to be interpreted to manually formulate the parameter synthesis problem that can then be solved either manually or using some COTS tools. For example, the controller can be designed with a MATLAB/Simulink model of the plant using a closed-loop simulation of the plant and the controller. Here, control gains can be manually tuned, and the ones corresponding to which the closed-loop system meets performance requirements, are chosen as design parameters. On the other hand, the schedule synthesis problem can be formulated manually as a
constraint satisfaction problem (
CSP) [
51] with schedulability constraints, data dependencies, and assumptions made on the values of sampling periods and delays for the controller design. The CSP is then solved using a solver like Gurobi or Z3. In case no feasible schedule configuration exists, the design steps are reiterated. Note that for such an iterative development process, it is very time-consuming to explore the tradeoffs between different objectives. (ii) In the implementation phase, the application model is manually developed in Simulink including the details of sensing, control, and actuation. The control gains and sampling periods computed in the design phase will be used here. Simultaneously, SIMTOOLS is used to manually specify the platform architecture, how the application tasks are partitioned and mapped on the ECUs, and the schedules of tasks and messages.
Proposed design flow: To address the shortcomings of the conventional flow, in this article we introduce a toolbox Co-Flex based on MATLAB/Simuink and SIMTOOLS/SIMTARGET. Co-Flex will assist software developers by bridging the gap between the aforementioned COTS tools, automating most of the manual steps, while offering more design freedom. Toward reducing manual intervention, Co-Flex offers (i) template blocks that can be conveniently used to model automotive control applications through easy parameterization, and (ii) specific tools that automate the flow between different design phases, e.g., specification extraction from template models, configuration of the control models with the obtained values of control parameters, and synthesizing the implementation model with correct platform parameters (i.e., the task and message schedules). In addition, Co-Flex employs a co-design technique for simultaneously synthesizing the control and the platform parameters by accounting for different tradeoffs between QoC and resource usage, thereby offering more design choices.
With Co-Flex, the first two phases in the conventional design flow can be replaced by a
specification modeling phase and a
design and implementation phase, as shown in Figure
1. This is done to reduce the manual effort in the design and implementation phases of a conventional flow. In the specification modeling phase,
Co-Flex: Model blocksets can be used together with Simulink/SIMTOOLS/SIMTARGET to develop a template software model that is configured according to a design specification, i.e., controlled plant models, architecture model, and performance requirements. Subsequently, the design and implementation phase is composed of five stages, as shown in Figure
In the first stage, i.e.,
Specification Extraction, the
Co-Flex: Parse tool can be used to automatically extract the specification from the template model. Stages 2 and 3, called
Prospective Control Design and
Co-Optimization, respectively, implement the co-design technique in [
36]. Such a partition is necessary to reduce the problem complexity by dividing the whole design space into smaller subspaces while considering all feasible regions in the design space. Here, the partitioning is possible because in a FlexRay-based distributed implementation, only a set of predetermined sampling periods are allowed for a control application. Moreover, only the sampling period and not the control gains influences the choice of platform parameters. Thus, in the prospective control design stage, the
Co-Flex: Control tool is invoked for each application that synthesizes an optimal controller at each possible sampling period. This is done by using a pole placement controller design method and exploring the design space of possible pole values . By designing the prospective controllers first, we avoid unnecessary schedule synthesis for sub-optimal or unstable controllers. In the co-optimization stage, the
Co-Flex: Opti tool formulates a bi-objective optimization problem according to the extracted specification and the obtained prospective controllers from Stages 1 and 2, respectively. It employs a hybrid optimization technique to generate sets of feasible design parameters, where each set represents a Pareto point reflecting the tradeoff between the objectives of QoC and resource usage. Here, the resource usage can only take discrete values., the bi-objective optimization problem is transformed into a series of single-objective optimization problems, where in each problem, the QoC needs to be optimized for a given resource usage. To solve each problem, a nested two-layer technique is used. This technique exploits the fact that only the choice of sampling periods will influence the QoC and, thus, solves the optimization problem in two nested layers. The outer layer finds the set of sampling periods that optimizes the QoC, whereas the inner layer finds a corresponding set of feasible task and message schedules. In both layers, linear programming problems are solved.
Subsequently, the developer can select a parameter set corresponding to a Pareto point on the Pareto front according to existing design requirements. Based on the developer’s choice, in the Parameter Writeback stage, the Co-Flex: Writeback tool can automatically interpret the synthesis results obtained from the prospective control design and the co-optimization stages, respectively, and configure the software model with the appropriate values of control and platform parameters. Finally, in the Application Software Modeling stage, the Co-Flex: Dissemble tool gets rid of the specification models that were required only for the design and need not be a part of the implementation. In addition, the developer can manually add some application-specific details to the model, if required.
Contributions: In summary, this article makes the following contributions:
We propose a design flow for FlexRay-based distributed control systems that relies on control-platform co-design. In this flow, we start with a specification and first create a partial model of the system. Using this partial model, we synthesize the design parameters that are then used to model the remaining parts of the system. Software code generated from the developed model can be directly used to flash the ECUs.
We have developed a toolchain to automate the software development for FlexRay-based distributed control systems using the above design flow. This toolchain enables automated modeling of distributed control systems through easy parameterization. It comprises tools implementing control-platform co-design [
36], using set of Pareto-optimal design options is generated. The toolchain integrates industrial-strength development tools, i.e., MATLAB/Simulink for the modeling and analysis of control systems, with SIMTOOLS/SIMTARGET for the platform modeling and configuration.
We present a case study comprising five control applications mapped onto three different ECUs communicating over a FlexRay bus. The model-in-the-loop simulation that is offered by SIMTOOLS validates the control and platform parameters synthesized using our co-design scheme. Further, we built a setup comprising three Elektrobit ECUs connected by cables (unshielded twisted pair) and D-SUB9 connectors. We flashed the software binaries on the three ECUs without any errors, implying that the configuration of the design parameters was correct.
Article organization: In the next section, we explain the feedback control system model and the FlexRay-based ECU network architecture. Further, we describe how feedback controllers are conventionally designed and implemented on such distributed platforms. In Section
3, we describe of our design flow along with the proposed toolchain. Next, in Section
4, the results based on a case study are presented. Finally, Section
5 discusses related work, before concluding in Section
2 Preliminaries
We consider a distributed platform comprising a set of ECUs, denoted by

. These ECUs are connected by a communication bus. A number of control applications,

, run on such a
platform. Each application is implemented using several software tasks performing functions like sensing, computation, and actuation. When these tasks are mapped on physically distributed ECUs, data between them are transferred on the bus. In this work, we study the implementation of feedback control on a FlexRay-based ECU network. In this context, this section first discusses feedback control systems and the platform architecture under study. Further, we outline the methodology that is commonly followed for developing distributed control software.
2.1 Feedback Control Systems
Plant model: We study
linear and time-invariant (
single-input single-output (
SISO) systems for which the continuous-time mathematical model can be written as follows:


, and

denote, respectively, the state, the output, and the control input of the system, and


, and

denote, respectively, the state, the input, and the output matrices. Assuming a zero delay between the sampling and the actuation, we can write the sampled-data model of a system as follows:


, and

denote the state, the output, and the control input, respectively, at the
k-th sampling instant (

). The discrete-time system matrices are derived as follows:
Controller implementation: In this work, we assume that a control application,

, comprises three sequential software tasks: (i)
Sensor task,

, measures the state (using sensors) of the physical system. (ii)
Control task,

, computes the control input based on the system state. (iii)
Actuator task,

, applies the control input (using an actuator) to the physical system. These tasks are often mapped on different ECUs due to a physically distributed topology of sensors and actuators. Without loss of generality, we assume that three tasks are mapped on different ECUs. The sensor values measured by

are sent on the bus via a message

and the control input is sent as a message

. The time between the start of the sensor task and the completion of the actuator task is defined as the
sensor-to-actuator delay, denoted by
d. As shown in Figure
2, this delay depends on the interplay between the task and message schedules.
Controller design: In this article, we use the controller model from [
19] where the control input

is calculated based on the state at the

-th sampling instant. The mathematical model for the discrete-time delayed system can be written as follows:

. Furthermore, we consider the case where the task and message schedules lead to one sampling period sensor-to-actuator delay, i.e.,

, as shown in Figure
2. For our assumption of

, we consider that the control input

is given by
K and
F are the feedback and the feedforward gains, respectively, and
r represents the reference value that

should eventually reach. The design of a feedback controller involves finding the values for feedback and feedforward gains for a given value of sampling period such that the closed-loop system is stable and the control performance is optimal.
Control performance: There are different metrics to measure the closed-loop performance of a controller. Here, we consider two common metrics to measure the control performance . (i) We study a
quadratic cost function [
39] as follows:

is a weight taking the value between 0 and 1,

is the control input, and

is the tracking error.
Here, we multiply the cost for each discrete step by the sampling period
h, which is different from the quadratic cost usually considered in the literature. This is required because we want to compare controllers designed for different sampling periods based on this metric. Therefore, we calculate the quadratic cost until a certain given time

from which the number of samples
n for a given sampling period
h can be calculated as

. (ii) We also consider the
settling time where

denotes the time necessary for the system to reach and remain within

of the reference value.
For both metrics, we assume that the initial condition and the reference input are in the design specification. It is challenging to design a controller that gives optimal performance for different combinations of these values, and hence, it is reasonable to assume that these values are selected as per requirements. Depending on the control requirements, one of the aforementioned performance metrics can be used. For both metrics, a smaller value of
J implies a better control performance. Each application

with a control performance

must satisfy a certain requirement

In a system consisting of multiple control applications with different plant models and performance metrics, we need to normalize the control performance in order to compare and combine them. Here, we normalize the control performance as follows:
Thus, the overall QoC for a set of control applications

can be represented as a weighted sum of the normalized values as follows:

implies the relative importance of each control application and

2.2 FlexRay-Based ECU Networks
ECU task model: We consider that the real-time operating system on an ECU runs a time-triggered non-preemptive scheduling scheme. On an ECU

, a set of periodic tasks, denoted by

, are mapped. The schedule for a task

can be defined by a tuple

, where


, and

denote, respectively, the period, the offset, and the
worst-case execution time (
WCET) of the task. Note that

denotes the type of task, i.e., sensor, control, or actuator task. We denote


as the starting and the latest completion time of the
k-th (

) instance of a task

, which are given by
We also consider a set of
communication tasks besides the application tasks. The communication task on the sending ECU writes the data produced by the application task into the corresponding
transmit buffer of the communication controller, and on the receiving ECU, it reads the data from the corresponding
receiver buffer and forwards them to the application task. The nature of these communication tasks depends on the specific implementation. Here, we consider that the execution time of all communication tasks is upper-bounded by

. We schedule communication tasks immediately (i) after a task that sends data and (ii) before a task that receives data.
Communication model: FlexRay [
14] is an automotive communication protocol usually used by safety-critical applications. It allows both
time-triggered (
TT) and
event-triggered (
ET) communication. FlexRay communication is organized as a series of
cycles where each cycle has a length denoted as

. Each communication cycle contains mainly the
static segment (
ST) and the
dynamic segment (
DYN), where
Time Division Multiple Access (
TDMA) and
Flexible TDMA (
FTDMA) communication services are implemented, respectively. In this work, we study transmission of messages only on the static segment of FlexRay. The static segment is split into a number of
static slots of equal length

. Here, we represent the slots on the static segment as

. Once a static slot is assigned, if no data is sent in a specific communication cycle, the static slot will still be occupied.
We consider the case where a sequence of 64 cycles repeats infinitely. In a sequence, each communication cycle is indexed by a
cycle counter that counts from 0 to 63 and is then reset to 0. The schedule of a FlexRay frame

can be defined by a tuple

, where

represents the slot number,

represents the
base cycle, and

is the
repetition rate. The repetition rate is the number of communication cycles that elapse between two consecutive transmissions of the same frame and takes the value

. The base cycle is the offset of the cycle counter, i.e., it is the cycle where the frame is scheduled for the first time. The sequence of 64 communication cycles and a few examples of FlexRay schedules are shown in Figure
3. In the context of this work, we consider the FlexRay versions 2.1 and 3.0.1. In the later version,
slot multiplexing amongst different ECUs is allowed, i.e., a particular slot

can be assigned to different ECUs in different communication cycles. However, this is not allowed in the former version. We further assume that each FlexRay frame,

, is packed with only one message,

. The start and the completion time of the
k-th instance (

) of a FlexRay frame (

) transmission, which are denoted respectively as


, can be written as follows:
In this article, we consider the bus resource usage as the fraction of bandwidth in the static segment that is allocated to the control applications. This can be translated into the percentage of static slots assigned in every sequence of 64 communication cycles. Let

denote the set of all FlexRay frames that will be sent on the static segment, where

; then the resource usage
U can be written as follows:
where the smaller the value of
U, the better the resource usage, i.e., more bandwidth can be assigned to non-control applications.
2.3 Conventional Design Flow
Typically, for the setting under study, the conventional design methodology only synthesizes the control and platform parameters while respecting the system constraints, e.g., performance and schedulability constraints. For a system with a set of control applications,

, the parameter synthesis boils down to finding for each control application,

, (i) the control parameters (including control gains and sampling period) and (ii) the platform parameters (including task and message schedules). The set of design parameters for

is denoted by

, where

represents the control parameters and

captures the platform parameters. Note that the WCETs of the tasks are assumed to be known. The set of design parameters for the whole system is denoted by

, where

To develop the software for a set of distributed control applications implemented over a FlexRay-based ECU network, the systems and the control engineers usually start with a system specification. On the platform side, these include (i) ECUs and their hardware and operating system characteristics; (ii) the basic parameters of the FlexRay cluster, e.g., the length of a communication cycle (

), the length (

), and the number (
N) of static slots; and (iii) the task partitions (

) and their mapping

. On the control side, for each application

, the plant model (

) and the performance requirement (

) need to be specified. Based on the specification, engineers can design and implement the system in the following three phases.
Design phase: In this phase, system parameters are synthesized and validated based upon some theoretical model of the underlying system. As a first step, the control and the systems engineers negotiate and agree on certain constraints on fundamental parameters like sampling periods and sensor-to-actuator delays for the control applications depending on the platform architecture. For example, ECUs running the OSEK/VDX operating system offer only a predefined set of sampling periods. Similarly, the sensor-to-actuator delay of a controller is constrained by the non-negligible time taken by the software tasks running on ECUs and data transmitted over the communication bus which, in turn, depends on the processor speed and memory architecture of the ECUs and the communication protocol and bandwidth of the bus.
Now, the control engineer tries to determine the control gains, sampling period, and sensor-to-actuator delay for each application separately based on the plant model and satisfying the constraints on the sampling period and sensor-to-actuator delay.
Next, the systems engineer partitions the model of each controller into several software tasks and maps those tasks onto ECUs depending on the layout of the physical system, e.g., the placement of the sensors and actuators . Based on the task partitioning and mapping, . This schedule synthesis problem can be formulated as a CSP while considering constraints on designed values of sampling periods and delays, data dependencies, non-overlapping tasks and messages, and other architectural constraints. The CSP, thus formulated, can be solved using a commercial solver like Gurobi, CPLEX, or Z3. In case no feasible schedule exists, the systems engineer may inform the control engineer to re-design the controllers with re-negotiated constraints on sampling periods and delays. As a result, this conventional design paradigm can be iterative and time-consuming. Moreover, in order to save time, if the engineers on either side make conservative assumptions then the design becomes resource-inefficient, which may not be sustainable in the cost-sensitive automotive domain [
25]. Furthermore, this conventional design involves significant manual intervention, and therefore, can be error-prone and tedious.
Software implementation phase: In this phase, the complete system software is modeled. The Simulink models of the controllers, as developed by the control engineer in the design phase, are combined to form the software model. Subsequently, keeping the control laws intact, this model is further manually modified to incorporate (i) the architecture model, i.e., ECU and FlexRay parameters; (ii) implementation-specific details like task partitioning and mapping, data mapping and frame packing; and (iii) application-specific details, e.g., depending on the type of speed encoder (i.e., absolute or incremental), the sensor task needs to be modeled differently. This updated system software is then manually configured according to the task and message schedules obtained from the design phase. Here, SIMTOOLS provides specific blocksets that enable modeling of the FlexRay network and ECUs, partitioning and mapping of tasks, packing of data or signals into frames, and configuration of task and message schedules. After the software implementation, simulations are typically run to validate the correctness of the implemented models. For example, SIMTOOLS offers a simulation option to validate both functionality and timing correctness.
Code generation and hardware implementation phase: In this phase, the binary file for each ECU is generated from the software model and then flashed. First, the complete model developed so far is split into separate models where each represents the software that will run on an ECU. Next, C-code and, subsequently, the binary file are generated for each ECU from the corresponding software model. Here, for example, SIMTOOLS offers a function Split and Build that automates the software partitioning where the software is developed in Simulink using SIMTOOLS/SIMTARGET toolboxes. It is then possible to generate C-code and the binary file for each ECU by invoking Simulink RTW together with SIMTARGET. Simulink RTW facilitates code generation for Simulink blocks while SIMTARGET generates codes for SIMTOOLS/SIMTARGET blocks. The binary files, thus generated, are then used to flash the ECUs for further hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing.
The aforementioned development process has several disadvantages:
Developers need to model the system from scratch, which is time-consuming.
Developers manually formulate the control and the platform design problems from the system specification.
In the software implementation phase, the model is manually configured with the values of the platform parameters that are obtained from the design phase, which is error-prone, time-consuming, and cumbersome.
The final implementation might not be efficient with respect to (i) the QoC of the applications and (ii) the amount of computation and communication resources that are allocated to them.
3 Proposed Design Flow and Toolchain
In this article, we propose a new design flow for distributed embedded controllers as shown in Figure
4. We have also used it for developing FlexRay-based automotive control software. We have further developed a toolchain, named
Co-Flex, to support software development based on the proposed methodology in MATLAB/Simulink environment in conjunction with SIMTOOLS/SIMTARGET toolboxes.
The proposed design flow along with Co-Flex can overcome the disadvantages of the conventional approach in the following ways.
Co-Flex provides a library that assists developers to conveniently model a controller with implementation-specific details like task partitioning and mapping, task schedules, data mapping, and frame packing. Thus, it is not required to develop the software model from scratch and, instead, Co-Flex blocks can be used and parametrized according to the specification.
Co-Flex offers a toolbox that automates most of the manual parts in the conventional design flow, e.g., specification extraction, problem formulation, and configuration of design parameters.
Co-Flex enables automated parameter synthesis. It employs a co-design technique that simultaneously synthesizes the controllers and the platform parameters and, in the process, co-optimizes the overall QoC and the bus resource usage. This technique ensures design optimality and also allows developers to make a tradeoff between the two design objectives.
The proposed design flow consists of three phases. In phase (1), i.e., the specification modeling phase, the developer creates a model according to the system specification. This model comprises, for each application, the controller template with application-level details (i.e., of the controlled plant and the performance requirement) and implementation-specific information (i.e., about task partitioning and mapping, data mapping, and frame packing). In phase (2), i.e., the design and software implementation phase, the parameter synthesis problem is first formulated based on the specification model from phase (1), and the problem is then solved to synthesize the control and platform parameters. Further, the specification model is configured with the synthesized parameter values and more application-specific details are added to obtain the complete software model. Phase (3), or the code generation phase, is exactly the same as in the case of the conventional design flow where C-code and binary files are generated from the software model to be used to flash the ECUs. Note that we have only replaced the first two phases of the conventional design flow with the specification modeling phase and the design and implementation phase, respectively. In this section, we will explain these two phases in detail together with the tools offered by Co-Flex.
3.1 Specification Modeling
In contrast to the conventional design flow where the modeling of the application software starts only after the synthesis of design parameters, the proposed approach starts with adding the specification details into a software model. For the problem setting described in Section
2.1 and Section
2.2, respectively, the system specification typically includes (i) plant models, (ii) type of controllers to be used, (iii) task partitioning and mapping, (iv) data mapping and frame packing, and (v) FlexRay bus parameters. We assume that the mathematical models of the physical plants are available and they are controlled using state-feedback controllers.
For task partitioning and mapping, we assume the following to be given: (i) the physical system layout, i.e., the physical distribution of sensors, actuators, and ECUs; and (ii) the network topology, i.e., how the sensors, actuators, ECUs, and FlexRay bus are connected. With this assumption, task partitioning and mapping is partially fixed, e.g., if a sensor is connected to an ECU, then it makes sense to map the sensor task on the corresponding ECU. However, the rest can be synthesized by employing any well-established task partitioning and mapping algorithms [
Furthermore, from task partitioning and mapping, data dependencies can be derived. The data that needs to be transmitted as messages over the communication bus can be identified. We assume that each frame is packed with only one message. We do not consider frame packing in the co-optimization. We understand that packing a frame with more than one message can result in a more efficient design; however, to ensure the scalability of the co-design scheme, we do not consider this.
We further assume that FlexRay network parameters like bus cycle time

, clock period, number of static slots
N, and the size of each slot

are fixed based on requirements, e.g., the size of a static slot is determined based on the largest frame in the system.
Now, given the specification, the developer can model a partially configured application software in the Simulink environment using
Co-Flex:Model library and SIMTOOLS/SIMTARGET. Figure
5 shows several snapshots on how the specification is modeled using our proposed toolchain conveniently by configuring several block parameters.
Co-Flex: Model. It is a library comprising template blocks that aid the modeling of FlexRay-based control software. For the time being, the library supports modeling of controllers only; however, it can be extended in the future for PID, model predictive, and adaptive controllers. The library mainly consists of two template blocks as follows:
FeedbackController: This block accelerates the modeling of a feedback control application that will run on a distributed FlexRay platform. The left block in the top-left snapshot of Figure
6 is a
FeedbackController. The parameters to this block include (i) sensor and control message names, (ii) sensor, control, and actuator task mappings and schedules, (iii) sampling period, (iv) control gains, (vii) control performance metric, and (viii) performance requirement. A newly added block basically represents a skeleton implementation of a distributed control application with empty sensor, control, and actuator task models. After parametrizing the block, developers can push a button
create (provided in the mask) to automatically configure the underlying model to represent a distributed embedded control application as shown in the right snapshot in Figure
6. In addition, the block is reconfigurable, i.e., developers can use the same block to model a different controller in case of a change in the specification. However, if the order of the corresponding controlled plant is different, then developers must first push the button
clear to go back to the skeleton implementation. Furthermore, a push button
verify is provided in this block in order to check data consistency between this block and the SIMTOOLS platform configuration block. The inputs of this block are the system states
x and the output is the control input
Plant: The right block in the top-left snapshot of Figure
6 is a
Plant. Developers can specify the plant model by parameterizing this block. It can represent a controlled plant of any order. The parameters to this block include (i) the system order, (ii) the state matrix

, (iii) the input matrix

, and (iv) the output matrix

. After parameterizing the block, developers can push a button
create to automatically build an underlying plant model as shown in the bottom-left diagram in Figure
6. This block is also reconfigurable and developers can use the push button
clear to delete the underlying model. The input of this block is the control input
u and the outputs are the system states
x and the system output
y. A closed-loop system model can be obtained by connecting (i) the outputs
x of this block to the inputs of the
FeedbackController block and (ii) the output
u of the
FeedbackController block to the input of this block. The purpose of this block is twofold: (i) The plant specification can be read from this block to design the controller. (ii) The underlying plant model can be used for closed-loop simulations to validate the designed control and platform parameters before the hardware implementation.
Now, using
Co-Flex:Model and SIMTOOLS/SIMTARGET, the specification modeling is carried out as follows: (i) For each control application, insert a
FeedbackController block and a
Plant block and parameterize them according to the specification. Then, create the models for the plant and the partially specified controller, respectively, and connect them as shown in the top-left snapshot in Figure
6. (ii) Insert a
Database File Block provided by SIMTOOLS that allows one to specify the complete platform configuration. (iii) In the
Database File Block, configure the message signals, the ECUs, and the FlexRay network according to the specification. (iv) In the
Database File Block, use the
Import constraints from model feature so that the task and message mappings are read automatically from the model. (v) Configure frames and assign messages to frames such that for each control application there are two FlexRay frames, i.e., a sensor signal frame and a control signal frame, respectively. (vi) Finally, the modeling correctness can be verified by pushing the button
verify in each of the
FeedbackController blocks.
The output of this phase is a partially specified software model, as mentioned in Figure
4. The control and schedule parameters must be written to this model and more application-level details are added to synthesize the complete software model.
3.2 Design and Software Implementation
This phase starts with the extraction of relevant information from the specification model which is required to formulate the parameter synthesis problem. Based on the extracted information, a co-optimization problem is formulated. Here, the co-optimization problem can be defined as to find the set of parameters

for each control application, where

, while optimizing the total FlexRay bus resource usage as in Equation (
11) and the overall QoC as in Equation (
In this work, we implement a hybrid optimization approach [
36], as shown in Figure
7, that can efficiently solve the co-design problem. The optimization comprises two stages. In the first stage, for each control application, prospective controllers are synthesized that optimize the control performance at different sampling periods and the results are recorded in a look-up table. In this stage, we employ the pole placement design method and search the pole space for the optimal controller at each possible sampling period. In the second stage, the co-optimization stage, we synthesize both control and the platform parameters based on the system constraints, objectives, and the look-up tables obtained in the first stage. Here, we formulate a bi-objective optimization problem and use a customized approach to generate a Pareto front considering the two objectives.
Based on the obtained Pareto front, the developer can select one of the Pareto points that is the most suitable for the overall design requirements. The parameter values corresponding to the selected Pareto point are then written back into the software model. The software is modeled further to incorporate application-specific details, i.e., the models for sensor and actuator tasks. The software model thus obtained can be simulated using the plant models from the previous phase. Finally, the plant models can be removed and then binary and C-code files can be generated to be used to flash the ECUs.
This phase is essentially divided into five stages, as shown in Figure
4, which are discussed in detail in the rest of this section.
3.2.1 Specification Extraction.
This is the first stage of the design and software implementation phase and is necessary for the automated formulation of the co-optimization problem. In this stage, developers first export the platform configuration from the specification model as a
Field Bus Exchange Format (
FIBEX) file. For this, developers use the
Export as FIBEX feature that is provided in the SIMTOOLS
Database File Block. FIBEX is a standard format used by the automotive industry to exchange data. A FIBEX file is an
Extensible Markup Language (
XML) document with a standard
XML Schema Definition (
XSD). It can be read by any standard parsing tool to extract important information. The exported FIBEX contains dummy values for task and message schedules as they are not yet calculated. For the design, the relevant information in the FIBEX file includes (i) the FlexRay parameters like the bus cycle time (

), the number of static slots (
N), and the length of a static slot (

); (ii) the ECU attributes like the names of the ECUs and the corresponding FlexRay controllers; (iii) the task attributes like the task names, WCETs, and mappings; and (iv) the FlexRay frame attributes like the names, the data mapping, and the size of the constituent data. However, note that the information is not complete. The obtained FIBEX does not contain any information about the plant model, the performance metric, or the performance requirement for an application, while they are necessary to design the controller. Co-Flex toolbox offers a tool,
Parse, that helps to extract the relevant information from the specification model and store it in a systematic manner.
Co-Flex: Parse. This tool can be invoked from the
Co-Flex Toolbox block, as shown in Figure
9, by checking the corresponding checkbox. It basically helps in specification extraction and systematic storage. It parses the specification model as well as the exported FIBEX from the model. This tool uses common MATLAB semantics (e.g., find_system and get_param) to parse the software model and the MATLAB
Document Object Model (
DOM) parser to parse the FIBEX file. All the required details can be extracted using this tool. Further, this tool organizes the extracted information, as given in Figure
4, into several easy-to-access csv files, i.e.,
FrameData.csv, and
AppX.csv (for application
X). These files can then be accessed by the following stages for the problem formulation as well as when writing back the parameter values into the software model.
3.2.2 Prospective Controller Design.
The control performance

of an application

depends mainly on three factors: (i) the sampling period

, (ii) the sensor-to-actuator delay

, and (iii) the control gains


. However, we consider that for each application, the task and message schedules lead to the case where the delay is equal to the sampling period, i.e.,

. This is a reasonable consideration because the impact of the delay on the control performance is insignificant compared to that of the sampling period [
28]. Also, this offers more flexibility in scheduling the tasks and messages. This would reduce the dimensions of the design space from all three factors (i)–(iii) to only (i) and (iii), thus reducing the problem complexity. The co-design approach under study can also be applied to other cases, e.g., a constant delay or a delay value proportional to the sampling period.
With the assumption

, the purpose of the prospective controller design stage is to determine for each application the control gains that optimize the control performance at each possible value of the sampling period. Here, we make use of the fact that the sampling period can only take a finite number of values to prune the design space further. Considering that each control application

is implemented by the tasks



and messages


, there is a dependency between the sampling period

and the repetition rate of the messages


. This is represented as follows:
Due to the fact that


can only take values in

, the choice of

becomes constrained accordingly. In this stage, Co-Flex offers a tool
Control that can be invoked for each application to design a prospective optimal controller at each possible sampling period.
Co-Flex: Control. This tool can be invoked from the
FeedbackController block by checking a checkbox indicated by an arrow in Figure
8. In order to design prospective controllers for application
X, this tool uses
AppX.csv to fetch the plant model, the control performance metric, and the performance requirement. It also reads
BusParam.csv to obtain the length of a bus cycle

that is required to determine the possible values of the sampling period. With

, the closed-loop system experiences one sampling period delay. We use the pole placement method reported in [
19] for such a delayed system.

, the control performance can be written as

, i.e., it is a function of the sampling period and the control gains. The control performance at each feasible value of the sampling period, i.e.,

, can also be written as

, i.e., it is a function of control gains only. The control gains can be uniquely computed based on a chosen set of poles, thus, we can write

, where

denotes the set of poles. The
Control tool searches for the set of poles that optimizes the control performance. Using the method in [
19], stable controllers can only be designed for a
restricted set of poles. We prune the design space accordingly. Note that the search is carried out with a specific granularity in the restricted pole space. Considering that this search discretizes the pole space, it does not guarantee to obtain the optimal controller. However, the smaller the search granularity, the better are the chances of getting a controller closer to the optimum. We denote that, corresponding to a sampling period

, the
Control tool synthesizes the control gains


that optimize the control performance to a value

. Interested readers are encouraged to read [
36] for the detailed implementation of the search algorithm to design an optimal controller for a given sampling period.
Control tool further formulates a
look-up table (
LUT) for each control application

, as stated in Figure
4. The LUT stores, for each possible sampling period

, the optimal control performance

and the corresponding control gains


. In the co-optimization stage, the sampling periods of the control applications will be used as variables during the problem formulation. The objective of the overall QoC can, therefore, be formulated as a discrete function of the sampling periods. Corresponding to the values of the sampling periods, the control laws can be selected by referring to these LUTs. Therefore, the sampling periods here serve as the main interface between the prospective controller design stage and the co-optimization stage.
3.2.3 Co-Optimization.
With the results from the prospective controller design stage, the co-optimization problem can be formulated as a constrained programming model. The parameters to be synthesized include (i) the sampling periods of the control applications, (ii) the task schedules, and (iii) the message schedules. We consider the platform constraints and the control performance constraint that are formulated as follows:
Constraint (
13) implies that the sampling period of an application must be equal to the period of repetition of the component tasks and messages. Constraints (
18) state that in a control application all task executions and message transmissions have to be carried out in the correct temporal order, i.e., certain precedence relations must be followed. Constraint (
19) is due to the assumption of one sampling period sensor-to-actuator delay. Constraints (
20) and (
21) lay down, respectively, that no two tasks or two messages mapped on the same resource must overlap in time. Constraints (
22) and (
23) state the permissible values of slot ids and base cycles, respectively. Constraint (
24) asserts that each time window of duration equal to the task period must have at least one task instance. Constraint (
25) implies that the sampling period of an application can attain only those values corresponding to which the designed optimal controller from the previous stage satisfies the performance requirement. Furthermore, in the case of FlexRay 2.1, an additional constraint must be considered as slot multiplexing between different ECUs is not allowed. This is given by
Moreover, the optimization objectives of bus resource usage and overall QoC can be formulated, respectively, as follows:
As formulated above, the control-platform co-design for the setting under study can be modeled as a constrained optimization problem with two objectives. There exist several methods dealing with multi-objective optimization. A simple way is to convert the multiple objectives into one single objective with scalarization. However, the problems using this method here are as follows: (i) The two objectives are completely different in nature and it is challenging to combine them as a single metric. (ii) It would not be possible for developers to understand the design tradeoff, which is necessary because the two objectives are noticed to be often conflicting. In this case, a more informative and developer-friendly approach is to first generate the Pareto front and let developers explore the tradeoff between the two objectives according to their customized preference. Co-Flex toolbox comprises a tool named Opti that can be used to automate the formulation of the co-optimization problem and, thereafter, for finding the Pareto-optimal solutions to the problem.
Co-Flex: Opti. This tool can be invoked from the
Co-Flex Toolbox block, as shown in Figure
9, by checking the corresponding checkbox. It can automatically formulate the problem according to the constraints and objectives in Eqs. (
28) by referring to the files generated in the
specification extraction stage and the look-up tables from the
prospective controller design stage. In order to solve the problem and obtain the desired Pareto front, the tool uses a customized optimization approach. Considering that the resource usage
U only takes a limited number of values, it first computes the maximum and the minimum possible values of the resource usage


as follows:
For each possible value of
U from


, i.e., given the equality constraint on
U, it solves the optimization problem with

as the single objective and obtains a solution. The additional constraint is that

of this solution has to be better than

of the last solution, in order to ensure that all solutions are non-dominated. The co-optimization problem with two objectives is, thus, turned into a series of single-objective optimization problems, where each may generate a Pareto point. Here, popular approaches like
Mixed Integer Linear Programming (
MILP) or meta-heuristic methods cannot be applied directly to solve each of the single-objective optimization problems.
Considering that some decision variables only appear in the constraints, but are not related to the objectives, a nested two-layer technique, as depicted in Figure
7, is employed to solve each of the problems. In Layer 1, the outer layer,
Opti considers only Constraint (
25) and an equality constraint on bus usage
U derived from Constraint (
27). It optimizes the overall QoC as given in Equation (
28). Decision variables related to the objectives, i.e., the sampling periods, are determined in this layer by solving an integer linear programming problem.
In Layer 2, the inner layer, the remaining decision variables are synthesized satisfying the constraints in Eqs. (
24) while substituting the values of sampling periods based on the results of Layer 1. Here, an MILP model is developed for the TT scheduling problem similar to [
50]. This process is iterative, i.e., if the synthesis fails in Layer 2, the algorithm goes back to Layer 1 for the next best solution until the Pareto criterion is satisfied. This optimization technique ensures optimality and is also efficient. Details of the optimization technique can be found in [
3.2.4 Parameter Writeback.
The Pareto front, which is obtained from the co-optimization stage, consists of a number of Pareto points where each represents a feasible Pareto-optimal solution of the co-optimization problem. The developer can choose one of them for the implementation based on the design requirements. The solution corresponding to the selected Pareto point must be interpreted correctly to represent a valid design configuration. Accordingly, the specification model must be then parameterized. To facilitate convenient writeback of the synthesized parameter values in the software model, Co-flex offers a tool Writeback.
Co-Flex: Writeback. This tool can be invoked from the
Co-Flex Toolbox block, as shown in Figure
9, by checking the corresponding checkbox. It automates (i) completely the result interpretation and (ii) partially the result writeback. The solution to the co-optimization problem is stored as a matrix where each row represents a Pareto point. Therefore, if the developer selects the
n-th Pareto point, then the
Writeback tool will extract row
n from the solution matrix. Thereafter, the task and message schedules can be calculated by this tool through correct interpretation of the elements of the extracted row. The interpretation is done by exploiting the knowledge of problem formulation from the previous stage. That is, if a design parameter is represented by the decision variable
i, then the synthesized value of the parameter is given by element
i in the extracted row. Furthermore, as depicted in Figure
4, the values of the control gains can be obtained by this tool from the LUTs generated in the prospective controller design stage according to the synthesized values of the sampling periods.
Following result interpretation, developers need to configure the software model with the obtained parameter values. Toward this, the
Writeback tool can directly write the control gains (as shown by the pointers in Figure
10) and the application task schedules in the model automatically. However, for the FlexRay frame schedules, the tool generates a csv file in a format that can be directly imported in SIMTOOLS
Database File Block, as shown in Figure
10. The format also includes other attributes of the frames like the transmitting and receiving FlexRay controller, frame size, among others. These details can be obtained by referring to
FrameData.csv generated in the specification extraction stage. Similarly, for the communication tasks, schedules are generated and stored in a format in which it needs to be entered in SIMTOOLS
Database File Block. However, SIMTOOLS does not allow importing communication task schedules, and therefore, they are manually entered by the developer according to the generated file. In our opinion, this process can be made completely automated by collaborating with tool suppliers.
Following the parameter writeback, the developed software model can be tested using the plant models via closed-loop simulations. SIMTOOLS offers a Simulation Configuration Block that enables validation of timing behavior in addition to functional correctness.
3.2.5 Application Software Modeling.
The model developed so far contains details of the controlled plants that will not be in the final software implementation. Moreover, SIMTOOLS Split and Build function does not look inside a subsystem block. Therefore, the controller implementations—that lie inside the FeedbackController blocks—must be brought to the first level for generating codes and binaries correctly in the next phase. Co-Flex comprises a tool Dissemble that automates the above two processes.
Co-Flex: Dissemble. This tool can be invoked from the
Co-Flex Toolbox block, as shown in Figure
9, by checking the corresponding checkbox. It takes the development closer to the implementation by (i) deleting the plant models and (ii) expanding subsystem blocks that represent the controller implementations. However, it might be required to reuse the model developed so far partially or completely for a different car with different requirements. Therefore, it makes sense to not modify the model developed so far and, instead, create a new model by copying only the parts that will be in the implementation.
Dissemble tool automatically copies the controller implementations and the platform configuration block into a new Simulink model while adding new blocks for clock synchronization. This can be achieved by using the MATLAB function
Furthermore, the model so far may not contain the details of sensor and actuator tasks. They depend on the type of sensors and actuators used. For example, in the case of an adaptive cruise control application, the sensor can be a camera and the sensor task requires video processing to detect a slowdown of the vehicle in front. Therefore, in this stage, developers need to manually incorporate such details about sensing and actuation into the software model. In the future, standard task models can also be added to the Co-Flex: Model library to further reduce manual interventions. This final software model with every detail of the applications is then used in the next phase for the code generation and the hardware implementation, respectively.
4 A Case Study
We consider a system motivated by software applications in the automotive domain. Due to confidentiality issues, it is difficult to find a case study that represents a real industrial system and obtain all the details including the mathematical model of the plants. Therefore, we use a synthetic case study, consisting of a FlexRay-based ECU network implementing five control applications that are typically found in the automotive domain.
Plant models: We study a set of five control applications denoted by



represent, respectively, a
DC motor speed control (
DCM), a
car suspension system (
CSS), an
electronic wedge brake (
EWB), and
two variants of cruise control (
CC1) and (
CC2). The plants
1. under consideration are described as follows:

) The DCM has state variables

representing, respectively, the rotational speed of the motor shaft and the armature current. The control input
u is the motor terminal voltage. This application can, for example, represent a wheel speed control in an electric vehicle. The system matrices for this plant are given as follows:
For this plant, we consider that the control objective is to have a value of the cost function, given by Equation (
6), lower than 0.7 in a unit step response. Here, we assume that the value of

is 0.001.

) CSS has the state variables

, where


represent the position and velocity of the car, and


are the position and velocity of the mass of the suspension system. The control input
u is the force applied to the body by the suspension system. The system matrices are given as follows:
The control objective is to have a unit impulse response with a settling time

lower than


) We study a simplified version of an EWB. Two state variables

are the position and the velocity of the braking wedge, respectively. For a simplified DC motor model, the control input
u is the force exerted by the motor. The plant model is given by
The control objective is to have a unit step response with a settling time

lower than


) CC1 is a simplified version of a cruise control system, i.e., neglecting the dynamics of the powertrain and tires. Here, the state variable
x represents the speed of a vehicle and the control input
u is the force exerted on the vehicle. The plant model is given by
The control objective is to have a unit step response with a settling time

lower than


) CC2 is a more detailed version of a cruise control system. It regulates the vehicle speed in order to follow the driver’s command. The state space representation of this system can be described as follows:
The control objective is to have a unit step response with a settling time

lower than

Platform architecture: In this case study, we use a hardware platform, as shown in Figure
11, that consists of three ECUs connected by FlexRay in a bus topology. For the experiments, we have considered FlexRay 2.1 because SIMTOOLS

, which we have used to develop the software, is not compatible with FlexRay 3.0.1. Table
1 shows the tasks mapped on the ECUs. Table
2 shows the bus parameters that we have taken from a related work [
39]. Table
3 shows the assumed values of WCETs for all the tasks. We have further assumed that the WCET of a communication task is

. The bus topology is a common one in the automotive domain, as seen in related works [
39]. The number of ECUs, the number of control applications, and the task attributes are chosen for the ease of demonstration. The applicability of the proposed methods, however, is not limited to this setup. In [
36], a scalability analysis of the co-design scheme is provided where several different setups with varying system sizes and task mappings are considered.
Controller design: Figure
12 depicts the variation of optimal normalized control performance with sampling period for each control application. Except for EWB, where controllers stabilizing the plant can only be found for a sampling period of 5ms, stable controllers can be designed for each application at all possible sampling periods including






, and

. The red dashed line in the plot shows the normalized required performance for all applications (i.e.,

). Only the points on or below the red line meet the performance requirements and only these points will be considered in the co-optimization stage.
In this stage, for each application and at each possible sampling period, a search of poles is carried out. Figure
13 illustrates the influence of the granularity of a pole search. As we can observe in the figure, the finer the granularity, the more time it requires to search the pole space, and controllers with better control performance can be found. It should be noted that the order of a system also influences the search time. With the same granularity, the higher the system order, the longer it would take to search the pole space. A second-order plant (i.e., DCM) is studied to obtain the results shown in Figure
Co-optimization: Figure
14 shows the Pareto front that we have obtained in the co-optimization stage. It can be observed that 21 reasonably well-distributed Pareto points are generated. Each point represents a design option that offers a certain tradeoff between the bus resource usage and the overall QoC. The developer can choose a design option according to the requirements.
The values of bus resource usage—percentage of static slots used—range from


. The values of overall QoC—average control performance—vary from


. Note that for the performance measures considered in this article, the smaller the value, the better the performance. If using less resources is the top design priority, the engineer can only use

of the bus bandwidth in the static segment to achieve stable control. If a performance-optimal design is desired, a much better performance (average improvement of

) can be achieved at the cost of an extra

of the bandwidth. The Pareto points can be explored to obtain a design that is the most suitable according to the requirements. For a relatively small system size, there is already a considerable design freedom available. For larger systems, developers may have more choices for the tradeoff between the design objectives.
Furthermore, it can be observed that for all values of U, we do not get a Pareto point. The reason for this could be that for a value of resource usage, either (i) a feasible parameter set could not be obtained, or (ii) the optimal solution is dominated by other points.
For our case study, the co-optimization stage took

s on a desktop computer with an AMD Athlon (tm) II X2 245e processor of 2.90 GHz and 4 GB RAM. The optimizer is implemented in MATLAB. We use Gurobi [
22] in the inner optimization layer and CPLEX [
24] in the outer layer. In the outer layer, we need all optimal solutions and CPLEX provides a feature called
solution pool for that, while Gurobi is more efficient in the inner layer than CPLEX.
Software development:
Based on the methodology proposed in Section
3, we have designed and implemented the software for the system under study. We have first developed the specification model including the plant models using SIMTOOLS and Co-Flex in the Simulink environment as discussed in Section
3.1. Subsequently, all relevant information is extracted (Section
3.2.1) and the proposed co-optimization approach is applied (Section
3.2.2 and Section
3.2.3). From the obtained Pareto front, we have selected three well-spaced Pareto points, i.e.,


, and

as marked in Figure
14. The system model—comprising the controller templates and the controlled plants—is configured successively with parameters corresponding to these Pareto points, as described in Section
3.2.4, and tested for plausibility. The fully specified models corresponding to the three Pareto points are successively simulated according to the fourth level of simulation available in SIMTOOLS, where the ECUs and the communication system are simulated based on the timings of application tasks, communication tasks, and bus schedules.
The system responses are recorded for each of the simulation runs and are shown in Figure
15. Here, the control systems



, and

are applied unit step references while the system

is an applied unit impulse reference. It may be observed in the figure that in the case of CC2, the system response corresponding to

is different from the responses (identical) corresponding to


, respectively. This is because the synthesized sampling period of CC2 corresponding to


is the same and is equal to

while the sampling period value corresponding to


. The responses of CC2 are identical for


despite different task and message schedules. This verifies our assumption in the co-optimization stage that the control performance depends only on the sampling period of the control application. Furthermore, we can observe that the settling times in the system responses of CC1 are, respectively,


, and

corresponding to the sampling periods of


, and

and are approximately in the ratio 1:4:8. This can be also verified from the control performance curve shown in Figure
12. Similarly, for all applications, control performances are verified against the values obtained in the prospective controller design stage.
After the simulations, we have used the tool
Dissemble to automatically remove the plant models and expand the subsystem blocks, as described in Section
3.2.5. Further, we have generated C-code and binary files successfully using SIMTOOLS
Split and Build, Simulink RTW, and SIMTARGET.
The binaries files thus obtained are then used to flash three Elektrobit (i.e., EB 6120) ECUs. These ECUs are connected over a FlexRay bus (i.e., using unshielded twisted pair cables and D-SUB9 connectors). We have not encountered any error, which implies that the parameters have been correctly configured.
5 Related Work
Toward meeting the high performance and low cost requirements for embedded control systems, co-design of control algorithms and their platform implementations—often referred to as a cyber-physical systems design approach–is the key [
52]. Such co-design also helps reduce testing and integration efforts when implementing control algorithms. While co-synthesis has already been studied in the general embedded systems context [
49], several control/architecture co-design methods have recently been proposed [
38]. [
38] has proposed a method that integrates controller design with task and message scheduling while optimizing the overall control performance. Later, [
16] has put forward a co-design problem formulation for FlexRay-based control systems also with control performance as the only optimization objective. This work considers both sampling period and delay as variables during the controller design. Note that [
38] have not considered the tradeoff between multiple optimization objectives. Also, some existing approaches appear difficult to scale. For example, in [
16], it already takes more than 1 hour to synthesize a system of five applications, amongst which three are control applications. In our proposed toolchain, we have implemented the co-design approach from [
36]. It scales to industrial-sized systems (e.g., a bus cluster) and co-optimizes overall QoC and resource usage, respectively. Note that none of these works have extended a co-design framework into a full-fledged toolchain support compatible with COTS software development tools.
For this work, we have reviewed existing industrial toolchains for automotive software development. Major Tier 2 automotive suppliers include Vector, dSPACE, Elektrobit, and Siemens Industry Software (formerly known as Mentor Graphics). Vector offers PREEvision [
44], where a software architecture and a mapping of software components to ECUs can be specified and an in-vehicle network can be configured. Specification for each ECU can be extracted from PREEvision and imported into DaVinci Configurator Pro [
43], where it is integrated with a basic software and the codes for software components generated from model-based design tools like Simulink. Developers need to configure the runtime environment for ECUs in DaVinci Configurator Pro [
43] and then binary files can be generated that will be used to flash the ECUs. A similar tool flow is offered by Siemens Industry Software where Capital [
30] allows architecture and network design while Volcano Vehicle System Builder [
31] enables software integration for ECUs. In the same vein, dSPACE provides SystemDesk [
9] for architecture design and TargetLink [
10] for functionality development and code generation. In this work, we have studied software development for FlexRay-based distributed control systems using MATLAB/Simulink and SIMTOOLS/ SIMTARGET [
41], as discussed in Section
2.3. Using the aforementioned toolchains, controllers are designed in model-based design tools while the schedule configuration for ECUs (e.g., in DaVinci Configurator Pro and Volcano Vehicle System Builder) and communication buses (e.g., in PREEvision and Capital) are realized in different tools. Unlike these toolchains, Co-Flex offers to co-design control and platform parameters.
In the context of hardware/software co-design, there also exist academic tools like Metropolis [
2], Metro II [
8], Ptolemy II [
11], and Metronomy [
21] that allow modeling of heterogeneous components and their co-simulation, thereby enabling a design space exploration for heterogeneous systems. Metropolis offers a unified language for capturing different models of computation like dataflow, state machine, and discrete time. Later, Metropolis was extended to Metro II that also allows different specification language for different components. For example, in the case of a building design automation, a controller can be specified as a Simulink model, the specification for a physical building can be in Modelica, while an architecture can be modeled in Metro II [
48]. The controller and the building models can be co-simulated with the computing platform in Metro II. Both Metropolis and Metro II use a SystemC based engine for the simulation [
1]. Ptolemy II can also be used to model functions and architecture in an integrated framework; however, it is more focused on functional modeling allowing several models of computation including process networks, synchronous reactive, and continuous time. Metronomy combines the advantages of Ptolemy II and Metro II, respectively, and allows one to model functions in Ptolemy and architectures in Metro II. None of the aforementioned tools offer to co-design controllers and their platform implementations. Moreover, Metropolis, Metro II, Ptolemy II, and Metronomy are based on the principle of separation of concerns. We believe that the co-design technique presented in [
36] can be integrated into these tools. However, the above tools do not have in-built models for the target platform under study and the corresponding basic software. Hence, we have considered a commercial toolchain that can be used to develop the software for a distributed platform comprising EB 6120 ECUs connected over a FlexRay bus.
6 Concluding Remarks
In this article, we have introduced a software development process for FlexRay-based distributed control systems. It enables correct-by-construction and convenient design and implementation of such systems. We have also developed an integrated toolchain that automates the development process to a large extent. It integrates a recently proposed control and platform co-design scheme into available COTS development tools for control systems and embedded software. Therefore, it reduces manual effort and improves design optimality.
Our proposed toolchain is only a preliminary one, showing that such an integrated design and implementation of distributed embedded controllers is possible in an automotive setting. We would like to extend the toolchain to address a more comprehensive design problem that includes frame packing, task partitioning, and mapping. Moreover, the toolchain, in its current state, only considers LTI feedback control systems. In the future, we can consider nonlinear systems and control techniques like model predictive control (MPC), gain scheduling, and adaptive control.
In industrial systems, a controller might switch between multiple operational modes depending on the changes in the physical system (e.g., plant dynamics might change based on environmental factors like temperature and wind speed) or in the cyber system (e.g., overloads in ECUs and communication buses). While [
3] has considered integrated modeling and verification of such control loops using the theory of hybrid automata, [
35] have shown how to optimally dimension communication resources shared by such multi-mode controllers. An optimal co-design of control and platform parameters considering multi-mode controllers can be studied in the future.
While we have studied SIMTOOLS and SIMTARGET for the design of FlexRay-based systems, we may investigate how our proposed development process extends to other communication systems like CAN and TT Ethernet. We may also study a more complex tool flow for software synthesis of distributed control systems on platforms comprising multiple different communication buses and allowing different ECU scheduling policies. We hope that this work motivates further research on closing the gap between the state of the art and the state of practice in designing distributed embedded controllers.