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AFT '21: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies
ACM2021 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
AFT '21: 3rd ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies Arlington Virginia September 26 - 28, 2021
23 November 2021
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Achieving state machine replication without honest players

Existing standards for player characterisation in tokenised state machine replication protocols depend on honest players who will always follow the protocol, regardless of possible token increases for deviating. Given the ever-increasing market ...

Public Access
Composing networks of automated market makers

Automated market makers (AMMs) are automata that trade electronic assets at rates set by mathematical formulas. AMMs are usually implemented by smart contracts on blockchains. In practice, AMMs are often composed: trades can be split across AMMs, and ...

A verifiably secure and proportional committee election rule

The concept of proportional representation in approval-based committee elections has appeared in the social choice literature for over a century and is typically understood as avoiding the underrepresentation of minorities. However, we argue that the ...

Shard scheduler: object placement and migration in sharded account-based blockchains

We propose Shard Scheduler, a system for object placement and migration in account-based sharded blockchains. Our system calculates optimal placement and decides on object migrations across shards. It supports complex multi-account transactions caused ...

PHANTOM GHOSTDAG: a scalable generalization of Nakamoto consensus: September 2, 2021

In 2008 Satoshi Nakamoto invented the basis for blockchain-based distributed ledgers. The core concept of this system is an open and anonymous network of nodes, or miners, which together maintain a public ledger of transactions. The ledger takes the ...

Open Access
Coalition-safe equilibria with virtual payoffs

Consider a set of participants invited to execute a protocol Π. The protocol will incur some cost to run while in the end (or at regular intervals), it will populate and update local bookkeeping tables that assign virtual rewards to participants. Each ...

Open Access
Dynamic posted-price mechanisms for the blockchain transaction-fee market

In recent years, prominent blockchain systems such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have experienced explosive growth in transaction volume, leading to frequent surges in demand for limited block space and causing transaction fees to fluctuate by orders of ...

Close latency-security trade-off for the Nakamoto consensus

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system invented by Nakamoto in 2008. While it has attracted much research interest, its exact latency and security properties remain open. Existing analyses provide security and latency (or confirmation time) ...

Dynamical analysis of the EIP-1559 Ethereum fee market

Participation in permissionless blockchains results in competition over system resources, which needs to be controlled with fees. Until recently, Ethereum's fee mechanism was implemented via a first-price auction that resulted in unpredictable fees as ...

SoK: oracles from the ground truth to market manipulation

One fundamental limitation of blockchain-based smart contracts is that they execute in a closed environment. Thus, they only have access to data and functionality that is already on the blockchain, or is fed into the blockchain. Any interactions with ...

Open Access
AMR: autonomous coin mixer with privacy preserving reward distribution

It is well known that users on open blockchains are tracked by an industry providing services to governments, law enforcement, secret services, and alike. While most blockchains do not protect their users' privacy and allow external observers to link ...

Generalizing weighted trees: a bridge from Bitcoin to GHOST

Despite the tremendous interest in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum today, many aspects of the underlying consensus protocols are poorly understood. Therefore, the search for protocols that improve either throughput or security (or both) ...

Open Access
Private attacks in longest chain proof-of-stake protocols with single secret leader elections

Single Secret Leader Elections have recently been proposed as an improved leader election mechanism for proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchains. However, the security gain they provide has not been quantified. In this work, we present a comparison of PoS ...

Spear: fast multi-path payment with redundancy

In a payment network, like the Lightning Network, Alice can transfer a payment to Bob by splitting the payment into partial payments and transferring these partial payments through multiple paths. The transfer, however, delays if any of the partial ...

On Bitcoin cash's target recalculation functions

Bitcoin Cash, created in 2017, is a "hard fork" from Bitcoin responding to the need for allowing a higher transaction volume. This is achieved by a larger block size, as well as a new difficulty adjustment (target recalculation) function that acts more ...

Open Access
The velvet path to superlight blockchain clients

Superlight blockchain clients learn facts about the blockchain state while requiring merely polylogarithmic communication in the total number of blocks. For proof-of-work blockchains, two known constructions exist: Superblock and FlyClient. ...

  • George Mason University
