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Deep Learning For Knowledge Graph Completion With XLNET

Published: 12 November 2021 Publication History


Knowledge Graph is a graph knowledge base composed of fact entities and relations. Recently, the adoption of Knowledge Graph in Natural Language Processing tasks has proved the efficiency and convenience of KG. Therefore, the plausibility of Knowledge Graph become an import subject, which is also named as KG Completion or Link Prediction. The plausibility of Knowledge Graph reflects in the validness of triples which is structured representation of the entities and relations of Knowledge Graph. Some research work has devoted to KG Completion tasks. The typical methods include semantic matching models like TransE or TransH and Pre-trained models like KG-BERT. In this article, we propose a novel method based on the pre-trained model XLNET and the classification model to verify whether the triples of Knowledge Graph are valid or not. This method takes description of entities or relations as the input sentence text for fine-tuning. Meanwhile contextualized representations with rich semantic information can be obtained by XLNET, avoiding limitations and shortcomings of other typical neural network models. Then these representations are fed into a classifier for classification. Experimental results show that there is an improvement in KG Completion Tasks that the proposed method has achieved.


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  1. Deep Learning For Knowledge Graph Completion With XLNET



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    ICDLT '21: Proceedings of the 2021 5th International Conference on Deep Learning Technologies
    July 2021
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 12 November 2021


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    1. GRU
    2. KG Completion
    3. Knowledge Graph
    4. LSTM
    5. XLNet


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    • (2023)Research on semantic representation and citation recommendation of scientific papers with multiple semantics fusionScientometrics10.1007/s11192-022-04566-5128:2(1367-1393)Online publication date: 3-Jan-2023
    • (2022)Medical Knowledge Graph Completion Based on Word EmbeddingsInformation10.3390/info1304020513:4(205)Online publication date: 18-Apr-2022

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