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Rumor Detection on Social Media with Graph Adversarial Contrastive Learning

Published: 25 April 2022 Publication History


Rumors spread through the Internet, especially on Twitter, have harmed social stability and residents’ daily lives. Recently, in addition to utilizing the text features of posts for rumor detection, the structural information of rumor propagation trees has also been valued. Most rumors with salient features can be quickly locked by graph models dominated by cross entropy loss. However, these conventional models may lead to poor generalization, and lack robustness in the face of noise and adversarial rumors, or even the conversational structures that is deliberately perturbed (e.g., adding or deleting some comments). In this paper, we propose a novel Graph Adversarial Contrastive Learning (GACL) method to fight these complex cases, where the contrastive learning is introduced as part of the loss function for explicitly perceiving differences between conversational threads of the same class and different classes. At the same time, an Adversarial Feature Transformation (AFT) module is designed to produce conflicting samples for pressurizing model to mine event-invariant features. These adversarial samples are also used as hard negative samples in contrastive learning to make the model more robust and effective. Experimental results on three public benchmark datasets prove that our GACL method achieves better results than other state-of-the-art models.


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      WWW '22: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 25 April 2022


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      1. adversarial learning
      2. contrastive learning
      3. graph representation
      4. rumor detection
      5. social networks


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      WWW '22
      WWW '22: The ACM Web Conference 2022
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