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Socially-Equitable Interactive Graph Information Fusion-based Prediction for Urban Dockless E-Scooter Sharing

Published: 25 April 2022 Publication History


Urban dockless e-scooter sharing (DES) has become a popular Web-of-Things (WoT) service and widely adopted globally. Despite its early commercial success, conventional mobility demand and supply prediction based on machine learning and subsequent redistribution may favor advantaged socio-economic communities and tourist regions, at the expense of reducing mobility accessibility and resource allocation for historically disadvantaged communities. To address this unfairness, we propose a socially-Equitable Interactive Graph information fusion-based mobility flow prediction system for Dockless E-scooter Sharing (EIGDES). By considering city regions as nodes connected by trips, EIGDES learns and captures the complex interactions across spatial and temporal graph features through a novel interactive graph information dissemination and fusion structure. We further design a novel model learning objective with metrics that capture both the mobility distributions and the socio-economic factors, ensuring spatial fairness in the communities’ resource accessibility and their experienced DES prediction accuracy. Through its integration with the optimization regularizer, EIGDES jointly learns the DES flow patterns and socio-economic factors, and returns socially-equitable flow predictions. Our in-depth experimental study upon more than 2,122,270 DES trips from three metropolitan cities in North America has demonstrated EIGDES’s effectiveness in accurate prediction of DES flow patterns with substantial reduction of mobility unfairness.


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            Published: 25 April 2022


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            1. Dockless escooter sharing
            2. interactive graph information fusion
            3. socially-equitable flow prediction


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