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MagNet: Cooperative Edge Caching by Automatic Content Congregating

Published: 25 April 2022 Publication History


Nowadays, the surge of Internet contents and the need for high Quality of Experience (QoE) put the backbone network under unprecedented pressure. The emerging edge caching solutions help ease the pressure by caching contents closer to users. However, these solutions suffer from two challenges: 1) a low hit ratio due to edges’ high density and small coverages. 2) unbalanced edges’ workloads caused by dynamic requests and heterogeneous edge capacities. In this paper, we formulate a typical cooperative edge caching problem and propose the MagNet, a decentralized and cooperative edge caching system to address these two challenges. The proposed MagNet system consists of two innovative mechanisms: 1) the Automatic Content Congregating (ACC), which utilizes a neural embedding algorithm to capture underlying patterns of historical traces to cluster contents into some types. The ACC then can guide requests to their optimal edges according to their types so that contents congregate automatically in different edges by type. This process forms a virtuous cycle between edges and requests, driving a high hit ratio. 2) the Mutual Assistance Group (MAG), which lets idle edges share overloaded edges’ workloads by forming temporary groups promptly. To evaluate the performance of MagNet, we conduct experiments to compare it with classical, Machine Learning (ML)-based and cooperative caching solutions using the real-world trace. The results show that the MagNet can improve the hit ratio from 40% and 60% to 75% for non-cooperative and cooperative solutions, respectively, and significantly improve the balance of edges’ workloads.


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        Published: 25 April 2022


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        1. cache
        2. cooperative
        3. edge computing
        4. embedding
        5. workload balance


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