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Divide-and-Conquer: Post-User Interaction Network for Fake News Detection on Social Media

Published: 25 April 2022 Publication History


Fake News detection has attracted much attention in recent years. Social context based detection methods attempt to model the spreading patterns of fake news by utilizing the collective wisdom from users on social media. This task is challenging for three reasons: (1) There are multiple types of entities and relations in social context, requiring methods to effectively model the heterogeneity. (2) The emergence of news in novel topics in social media causes distribution shifts, which can significantly degrade the performance of fake news detectors. (3) Existing fake news datasets usually lack of great scale, topic diversity and user social relations, impeding the development of this field. To solve these problems, we formulate social context based fake news detection as a heterogeneous graph classification problem, and propose a fake news detection model named Post-User Interaction Network (PSIN), which adopts a divide-and-conquer strategy to model the post-post, user-user and post-user interactions in social context effectively while maintaining their intrinsic characteristics. Moreover,we adopt an adversarial topic discriminator for topic-agnostic feature learning, in order to improve the generalizability of our method for new-emerging topics. Furthermore, we curate a new dataset for fake news detection, which contains over 27,155 news from 5 topics, 5 million posts, 2 million users and their induced social graph with 0.2 billion edges. It has been published on Extensive experiments illustrate that our method outperforms SOTA baselines in both in-topic and out-of-topic settings.


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        Association for Computing Machinery

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        Published: 25 April 2022


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        1. Fake News Detection
        2. Graph Neural Network
        3. Social Media


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        • The University of Manchester - China Scholarship Council joint scholarship award


        WWW '22
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