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Prohibited Item Detection via Risk Graph Structure Learning

Published: 25 April 2022 Publication History


Prohibited item detection is an important problem in e-commerce, where the goal is to detect illegal items online for evading risks and stemming crimes. Traditional solutions usually mine evidence from individual instances, while current efforts try employing advanced Graph Neural Networks (GNN) to utilize multiple risk-relevant structures of items. However, it still remains two essential challenges, including weak structure and weak supervision. This work proposes the Risk Graph Structure Learning model (RGSL) for prohibited item detection. RGSL first introduces structure learning into large-scale risk graphs, to reduce noisy connections and add similar pairs. It then designs the pairwise training mechanism, which transforms the detection process as a metric learning from candidates to their similar prohibited items. Furthermore, RGSL generates risk-aware item representations and searches risk-relevant pairs for structure learning iteratively. We test RGSL on three real-world scenarios, and the improvements to baselines are up to 21.91% in AP and 18.28% in MAX-F1. Meanwhile, RGSL has been deployed on an e-commerce platform, and the improvements to traditional solutions are up to 23.59% in ACC@1000 and 6.52% in ACC@10000.


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      WWW '22: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022
      April 2022
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      Published: 25 April 2022


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      1. graph structure learning
      2. pairwise labeling
      3. prohibited item detection
      4. risk graph


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      WWW '22
      WWW '22: The ACM Web Conference 2022
      April 25 - 29, 2022
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