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Collaborative Knowledge Distillation for Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding

Published: 25 April 2022 Publication History


Learning low-dimensional representations for Heterogeneous Information Networks (HINs) has drawn increasing attention recently for its effectiveness in real-world applications. Compared with homogeneous networks, HINs are characterized by meta-paths connecting different types of nodes with semantic meanings. Existing methods mainly follow the prototype of independently learning meta-path-based embeddings and integrating them into a unified embedding. However, meta-paths in a HIN are inherently correlated since they reflect different perspectives of the same object. If each meta-path is treated as an isolated semantic data resource and the correlations among them are disregarded, sub-optimality in the both the meta-path based embedding and final embedding will be resulted. To address this issue, we make the first attempt to explicitly model the correlation among meta-paths by proposing Collaborative Knowledge Distillation for Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding (CKD). More specifically, we model the knowledge in each meta-path with two different granularities: regional knowledge and global knowledge. We learn the meta-path-based embeddings by collaboratively distill the knowledge from intra-meta-path and inter-meta-path simultaneously. Experiments conducted on six real-world HIN datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of the CKD method.


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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 25 April 2022


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      1. Heterogeneous Information Networks
      2. Knowledge Distillation
      3. Network Embedding


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