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Et tu, Brute? Privacy Analysis of Government Websites and Mobile Apps

Published: 25 April 2022 Publication History


Past privacy measurement studies on web tracking focused on high-ranked commercial websites, as user tracking is extensively used for monetization on those sites. Conversely, governments across the globe now offer services online, which unlike commercial sites, are funded by public money, and do not generally make it to the top million website lists. As such, web tracking on those services has not been comprehensively studied, even though these services deal with privacy and security-sensitive user data, and used by a significant number of users. In this paper, we perform privacy and security measurements on government websites and Android apps: 150,244 unique websites (from 206 countries) and 1166 Android apps (from 71 countries). We found numerous commercial trackers on these services—e.g., 17% of government websites and 37% of government Android apps host Google trackers; 13% of government sites contain YouTube cookies with an expiry date in the year of 9999. 27% of government Android apps leak sensitive information (e.g., user/device identifiers, passwords, API keys) to third parties, or any network attacker (when sent over HTTP). We also found 304 government sites and 40 apps are flagged by VirusTotal as malicious. We hope our findings to help improve privacy and security of online government services, given that governments are now apparently taking Internet privacy/security seriously and imposing strict regulations on commercial sites.


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WWW '22: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022
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Published: 25 April 2022


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  1. Android
  2. Government services
  3. privacy
  4. security
  5. tracking
  6. web


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