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HiddenCPG: Large-Scale Vulnerable Clone Detection Using Subgraph Isomorphism of Code Property Graphs

Published: 25 April 2022 Publication History


A code property graph (CPG) is a joint representation of syntax, control flows, and data flows of a target application. Recent studies have demonstrated the promising efficacy of leveraging CPGs for the identification of vulnerabilities. It recasts the problem of implementing a specific static analysis for a target vulnerability as a graph query composition problem. It requires devising coarse-grained graph queries that model vulnerable code patterns. Unfortunately, such coarse-grained queries often leave vulnerabilities due to faulty input sanitization undetected. In this paper, we propose, a scalable system designed to identify various web vulnerabilities, including bugs that stem from incorrect sanitization. We designed to find a subgraph in a target CPG that matches a given CPG query having a known vulnerability, which is known as the subgraph isomorphism problem. To address the scalability challenge that stems from the NP-complete nature of this problem, leverages optimization techniques designed to boost the efficiency of matching vulnerable subgraphs. found confirmed vulnerabilities including CVEs among 2,464 potential vulnerabilities in real-world CPGs having a combined total of 1 billion nodes and 1.2 billion edges.


[n. d.]. Common Vulnerability Enumeration (CVE).
[n. d.]. GitHub.
[n. d.]. Github PHP project.
[n. d.]. GitHub REST API.
[n. d.]. GitHut: a small place to discover languages in GitHub.
[n. d.]. Joern.
[n. d.]. Usage of server-side programming languages for websites.
[n. d.]. VF2 Implement a (Sub)Graph Isomorphism Algorithm for Matching Large Graphs.
[n. d.]. Wikitten.
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 25 April 2022


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  1. clone detection
  2. subgraph isomorphism
  3. web vulnerabilities


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  • Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP)


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WWW '22: The ACM Web Conference 2022
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