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Conception centrée utilisateur d’un environnement virtuel pour la prise de décision collaborative : état de l’art pluridisciplinaire et analyse des besoins.

Published: 25 August 2022 Publication History


In military operations, each action is planned. Experts with varied skills are organized in a staff to work on the operational planning following a specific method. For the experts, this work consists in understanding the context of a mission, then analyze and synthesize data from various sources and formats to allow the leader to decide between several options in order to generate adapted instructions to orchestrate the military body towards the achievement of the goals. Thus, issues of information overload, remote collaboration and time saving emerge, to which innovative tools based on immersive technologies could be relevant. The partners of the VR-Decision project, including Manzalab, Immersalis Consulting and the Plateforme d’Évaluation, de Prototypage et de teSts d’usageS (PEPSS) of ESTIA, aim to propose a demonstrator that will allow the evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of Virtual Environments for collaborative decision making. The environment developed will allow staff officers to collaborate to analyze situations, synthesize a proposal and share it, especially with the chief. This article aims to present the first phases of the user-centered methodology that was implemented for the design of this new interface, in particular the state of the art and the needs analysis.


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  • (2024)Realidade virtual no teletrabalho colaborativo: aplicações, oportunidades e desafios – uma revisão da literaturaCuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo10.55905/cuadv16n13-02716:13(e6770)Online publication date: 3-Dec-2024

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  1. Conception centrée utilisateur d’un environnement virtuel pour la prise de décision collaborative : état de l’art pluridisciplinaire et analyse des besoins.



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    • (2024)Realidade virtual no teletrabalho colaborativo: aplicações, oportunidades e desafios – uma revisão da literaturaCuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo10.55905/cuadv16n13-02716:13(e6770)Online publication date: 3-Dec-2024

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