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From cloud to edge: a first look at public edge platforms

Published: 02 November 2021 Publication History


Public edge platforms have drawn increasing attention from both academia and industry. In this study, we perform a first-of-its-kind measurement study on a leading public edge platform that has been densely deployed in China. Based on this measurement, we quantitatively answer two critical yet unexplored questions. First, from end users' perspective, what is the performance of commodity edge platforms compared to cloud, in terms of the end-to-end network delay, throughput, and the application QoE. Second, from the edge service provider's perspective, how are the edge workloads different from cloud, in terms of their VM subscription, monetary cost, and resource usage. Our study quantitatively reveals the status quo of today's public edge platforms, and provides crucial insights towards developing and operating future edge services.


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IMC '21: Proceedings of the 21st ACM Internet Measurement Conference
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