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Wireless Localization with Spatial-Temporal Robust Fingerprints

Published: 22 October 2021 Publication History


Indoor localization has gained increasing attention in the era of the Internet of Things. Among various technologies, WiFi fingerprint-based localization has become a mainstream solution. However, RSS fingerprints suffer from critical drawbacks of spatial ambiguity and temporal instability that root in multipath effects and environmental dynamics, which degrade the performance of these systems and therefore impede their wide deployment in the real world. Pioneering works overcome these limitations at the costs of ubiquity as they mostly resort to additional information or extra user constraints. In this article, we present the design and implementation of ViViPlus, an indoor localization system purely based on WiFi fingerprints, which jointly mitigates spatial ambiguity and temporal instability and derives reliable performance without impairing the ubiquity. The key idea is to embrace the spatial awareness of RSS values in a novel form of RSS Spatial Gradient (RSG) matrix for enhanced WiFi fingerprints. We devise techniques for the representation, construction, and localization of the proposed fingerprint form and integrate them all in a practical system. Extensive experiments across 7 months in different environments demonstrate that ViViPlus significantly improves the accuracy in localization scenarios by about 30% to 50% compared with the state-of-the-art approaches.


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      ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 18, Issue 1
      February 2022
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      Published: 22 October 2021
      Accepted: 01 August 2021
      Revised: 01 August 2021
      Received: 01 April 2021
      Published in TOSN Volume 18, Issue 1


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      1. Indoor localization
      2. RSS fingerprint
      3. spatial gradient


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