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ComGA: Community-Aware Attributed Graph Anomaly Detection

Published: 15 February 2022 Publication History


Graph anomaly detection, here, aims to find rare patterns that are significantly different from other nodes. Attributed graphs containing complex structure and attribute information are ubiquitous in our life scenarios such as bank account transaction graph and paper citation graph. Anomalous nodes on attributed graphs show great difference from others in the perspectives of structure and attributes, and give rise to various types of graph anomalies. In this paper, we investigate three types of graph anomalies: local, global, and structure anomalies. And, graph neural networks (GNNs) based anomaly detection methods attract considerable research interests due to the power of modeling attributed graphs. However, the convolution operation of GNNs aggregates neighbors information to represent nodes, which makes node representations more similar and cannot effectively distinguish between normal and anomalous nodes, thus result in sub-optimal results. To improve the performance of anomaly detection, we propose a novel community-aware attributed graph anomaly detection framework (ComGA). We design a tailored deep graph convolutional network (tGCN) to anomaly detection on attributed graphs. Extensive experiments on eight real-life graph datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of ComGA.

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This work aims to design a community-aware attributed graph anomaly detection framework, which can learn distinguishable node representations for local, global, and structure anomalies. The framework consists of three major modules. Community detection module is to construct the modularity matrix of the given graph, and then utilize the deep autoencoder to learn community-specific representations of nodes. tGCN module is to employ the GCN model to encode the attributed graph, and propagate community-specific representations into its corresponding layers of GCN via multiple gateways. Anomaly detection module is to design two decoders to reconstruct graph structure and attribute information from anomaly-aware node representations, and then the joint reconstruction errors are used to detect anomalous nodes.


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WSDM '22: Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
February 2022
1690 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 15 February 2022


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  1. anomaly detection
  2. attributed graphs
  3. community structure
  4. graph neural networks


  • Research-article

Funding Sources

  • the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin
  • the Research Project of Tianjin Municipal Commission of Education
  • ARC DECRA Project
  • the National Natural Science Foundation of China
  • Tianjin Science and Technology Commissioner project


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