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A Simple but Effective Bidirectional Framework for Relational Triple Extraction

Published: 15 February 2022 Publication History


Tagging based relational triple extraction methods are attracting growing research attention recently. However, most of these methods take a unidirectional extraction framework that first extracts all subjects and then extracts objects and relations simultaneously based on the subjects extracted. This framework has an obvious deficiency that it is too sensitive to the extraction results of subjects. To overcome this deficiency, we propose a bidirectional extraction framework based method that extracts triples based on the entity pairs extracted from two complementary directions. Concretely, we first extract all possible subject-object pairs from two paralleled directions. These two extraction directions are connected by a shared encoder component, thus the extraction features from one direction can flow to another direction and vice versa. By this way, the extractions of two directions can boost and complement each other. Next, we assign all possible relations for each entity pair by a biaffine model. During training, we observe that the share structure will lead to a convergence rate inconsistency issue which is harmful to performance. So we propose a share-aware learning mechanism to address it. We evaluate the proposed model on multiple benchmark datasets. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed model is very effective and it achieves state-of-the-art results on all of these datasets. Moreover, experiments show that both the proposed bidirectional extraction framework and the share-aware learning mechanism have good adaptability and can be used to improve the performance of other tagging based methods. The source code of our work is available at:

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In this paper, we propose a simple but effective relational triple extraction model. Given an input sentence, it extracts triples from the directions of "subject-to-object" and "object-to-subject" in parallel, whcih can well address the "ground entity extraction failure" issue existed in existing tagging-based relational triple extraction methods. Besides, we observe that during training, the share structure will lead to a convergence rate inconsistency issue which is harmful to performance. So we propose a share-aware learning mechanism to address it. We evaluate the proposed model on multiple benchmark datasets. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed model is very effective and it achieves state-of-the-art results on all of these datasets.


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    WSDM '22: Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
    February 2022
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    Published: 15 February 2022


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    Author Tags

    1. bidirectional extraction framework
    2. convergence rate inconsistency issue
    3. joint extraction of entities and relations
    4. overlapping triple issue
    5. relational triple extraction
    6. share-aware learning mechanism


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    • National Natural Science Foundation of China


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