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Scalable Graph Topology Learning via Spectral Densification

Published: 15 February 2022 Publication History


Graph learning plays an important role in many data mining and machine learning tasks, such as manifold learning, data representation and analysis, dimensionality reduction, data clustering, and visualization, etc. In this work, we introduce a highly-scalable spectral graph densification approach (GRASPEL) for graph topology learning from data. By limiting the precision matrix to be a graph-Laplacian-like matrix, our approach aims to learn sparse undirected graphs from potentially high-dimensional input data. A very unique property of the graphs learned by GRASPEL is that the spectral embedding (or approximate effective-resistance) distances on the graph will encode the similarities between the original input data points. By leveraging high-performance spectral methods, sparse yet spectrally-robust graphs can be learned by identifying and including the most spectrally-critical edges into the graph. Compared with prior state-of-the-art graph learning approaches, GRASPEL is more scalable and allows substantially improving computing efficiency and solution quality of a variety of data mining and machine learning applications, such as manifold learning, spectral clustering (SC), and dimensionality reduction (DR).

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (WSDM22-Feng.mp4)
A 10-min presentation for the WSDM'22 paper "Scalable Graph Topology Learning via Spectral Densification"


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  1. Scalable Graph Topology Learning via Spectral Densification



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      WSDM '22: Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
      February 2022
      1690 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 15 February 2022


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      1. dimensionality reduction
      2. graph topology learning
      3. spectral clustering
      4. spectral graph theory


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