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Differential Query Semantic Analysis: Discovery of Explicit Interpretable Knowledge from E-Com Search Logs

Published: 15 February 2022 Publication History


We present a novel strategy for analyzing E-Com search logs called Differential Query Semantic Analysis (DQSA) to discover explicit interpretable knowledge from search logs in the form of a semantic lexicon that makes context-specific mapping from a query segment (word or phrase) to the preferred attribute values of a product. Evaluation on a set of size-related query segments and attribute values shows that DQSA can effectively discover meaningful mappings of size-related query segments to their preferred specific attributes and attributes values in the context of a product type. DQSA has many uses including improvement of E-Com search accuracy by bridging the vocabulary gap, comparative analysis of search intent, and alleviation of the problem of tail queries and products.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (wsdmfp711-10.1145:3488560.3498503.mp4)
Presentation video of the paper titled: "Differential Query Semantic Analysis: Discovery of Explicit Interpretable Knowledge from E-Com Search Logs"


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Index Terms

  1. Differential Query Semantic Analysis: Discovery of Explicit Interpretable Knowledge from E-Com Search Logs



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      WSDM '22: Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
      February 2022
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      Published: 15 February 2022


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