Cited By
View all- Zhou CChen HZhang JLi QHu D(2024)Quintuple-based Representation Learning for Bipartite Heterogeneous NetworksACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology10.1145/365397815:3(1-19)Online publication date: 17-May-2024
Since a heterogeneous network in general is too complex to be visually analyzed as graphs, we propose the alternative method for visualizing a heterogeneous network as a non-graph visualization. In this paper, we study the bipartite network which is one ...
Finding dense bipartite subgraphs and detecting the relations among them is an important problem for affiliation networks that arise in a range of domains, such as social network analysis, word-document clustering, the science of science, internet ...
Heterogeneous graphs with multiple types of nodes and edges are ubiquitous in the real world and possess immense value in many graph-based downstream applications. However, the heterogeneity within nodes and edges in heterogeneous ...
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