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A Cooperative Neural Information Retrieval Pipeline with Knowledge Enhanced Automatic Query Reformulation

Published: 15 February 2022 Publication History


This paper presents a neural information retrieval pipeline that integrates cooperative learning of query reformulation and neural retrieval models. Our pipeline first exploits an automatic query reformulator to reformulate the user-issued query and then submits the reformulated query to the neural retrieval model. We simultaneously optimize the quality of reformulated queries and ranking performance with an alternate training strategy where query reformulator and neural retrieval model learn from the feedback of each other. Besides, we incorporate knowledge information into automatic query reformulation. The reformulated queries are further improved and contribute to a better ranking performance of the following neural retrieval model. We study two representative neural retrieval models KNRM and BERT in our pipeline. Experiments on two datasets show that our pipeline consistently improves the retrieval performance of the original neural retrieval models while only increases negligible time on automatic query reformulation.

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This paper presents a neural information retrieval pipeline that integrates cooperative learning of query reformulation and neural retrieval models. Our pipeline first exploits an automatic query reformulator to reformulate the user-issued query and then submits the reformulated query to the neural retrieval model. We simultaneously optimize the quality of reformulated queries and ranking performance with an alternate training strategy where query reformulator and neural retrieval model learn from the feedback of each other. Besides, we incorporate knowledge information into automatic query reformulation. The reformulated queries are further improved and contribute to a better ranking performance of the following neural retrieval model. We study two representative neural retrieval models KNRM and BERT in our pipeline. Experiments on two datasets show that our pipeline consistently improves the retrieval performance of the original neural retrieval models while only increases negligible time on automatic query reformulation.


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  1. A Cooperative Neural Information Retrieval Pipeline with Knowledge Enhanced Automatic Query Reformulation



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    WSDM '22: Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
    February 2022
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    Published: 15 February 2022


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    • (2023)Automatic Synonym Extraction and Context-based Query Reformulation for Points-of-Interest Search2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)10.1109/ICDE55515.2023.00235(3072-3078)Online publication date: Apr-2023
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