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Learning Relevant Questions for Conversational Product Search using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Published: 15 February 2022 Publication History


We propose RelQuest, a conversational product search model based on reinforcement learning to generate questions from product descriptions in each round of the conversation, directly maximizing any desired metrics (i.e., the ultimate goal of the conversation), objectives, or even an arbitrary user satisfaction signal. By enabling systems to ask questions about user needs, conversational product search has gained increasing attention in recent years. Asking the right questions through conversations helps the system collect valuable feedback to create better user experiences and ultimately increase sales. In contrast, existing conversational product search methods are based on an assumption that there is a set of effectively pre-defined candidate questions for each product to be asked. Moreover, they make strong assumptions to estimate the value of questions in each round of the conversation. Estimating the true value of questions in each round of the conversation is not trivial since it is unknown. Experiments on real-world user purchasing data show the effectiveness of RelQuest at generating questions that maximize standard evaluation measures such as NDCG.

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        WSDM '22: Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
        February 2022
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        Published: 15 February 2022


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        1. conversational product search
        2. intelligent assistants
        3. reinforcement learning
        4. relevant question


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