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View all- Dash AAwachar MPatel ARudra B(2023)Open-Domain Long-Form Question–Answering Using Transformer-Based PipelineSN Computer Science10.1007/s42979-023-02039-x4:5Online publication date: 3-Aug-2023
For a long time, question–answering has been a crucial part of natural language processing (NLP). This task refers to fetching accurate and complete answers for a question using certain support documents or knowledge sources. In recent years, much ...
Open-ended long-form video question answering is challenging problem in visual information retrieval, which automatically generates the natural language answer from the referenced long-form video content according to the question. However, the existing ...
Background and Objective: Yes/no question answering QA in open-domain is a longstanding challenge widely studied over the last decades. However, it still requires further efforts in the biomedical domain. Yes/no QA aims at answering yes/no questions, ...
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