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Obtaining Robust Models from Imbalanced Data

Published: 15 February 2022 Publication History


The vulnerability of deep neural network (DNN) models has been verified by the existence of adversarial examples. By exploiting slight changes to input examples, the generated adversarial examples can easily cause well trained DNN models make wrong predictions. Many defense methods have been proposed to improve the robustness of DNN models against adversarial examples. Among them, adversarial training has been empirically proven to be one of the most effective methods. Almost all existing studies about adversarial training are focused on balanced datasets, where each class has an equal amount of training examples. However, as datasets collected in real-world applications cannot guarantee all contained classes are uniformly distributed, it would be much challenging to obtain robust models in those real applications where the available training datasets are imbalanced. As the initial effort to study this problem, we first investigate the different behaviors between adversarially trained models and naturally trained models using imbalanced training datasets and then explore possible solutions to facilitate adversarial training under imbalanced settings.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (WSDM22-dc08.mp4)
Presentation video for the work "Obtaining Robust Models from Imbalanced Data" accepted by WSDM '22 Doctoral Consortium


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cover image ACM Conferences
WSDM '22: Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
February 2022
1690 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 15 February 2022

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  1. deep neural networks
  2. imbalanced data
  3. model robustness


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  • (2024)On the Robustness of Compressed Models with Class ImbalanceComputers10.3390/computers1311029713:11(297)Online publication date: 16-Nov-2024

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