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View all- Mandal P(2022)Innovation in Organizations and Management of New Product DevelopmentInternational Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy10.4018/IJIDE.31151413:1(1-15)Online publication date: 14-Oct-2022
Graph mining isamajor area of interest within the field of data mining in recent years. Akey aspect of graph mining is frequent subgraph mining. Central to the entire discipline of frequent subgraph mining is the concept of subgraph ...
Basket Analysis, which is a standard method for data mining, derives frequent itemsets from database. However, its mining ability is limited to transaction data consisting of items. In reality, there are many applications where data are described in a ...
In many real applications, graph data is subject to uncertainties due to incompleteness and imprecision of data. Mining such uncertain graph data is semantically different from and computationally more challenging than mining conventional exact graph ...
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