Cited By
View all- Liu QYu YHan BZhou W(2024)An Improved Spectral Subtraction Method for Eliminating Additive Noise in Condition Monitoring System Using Fiber Bragg Grating SensorsSensors10.3390/s2402044324:2(443)Online publication date: 11-Jan-2024
In this paper, we propose a speech enhancement method where the front-end decomposition of the input speech is performed by temporally processing using a filterbank. The proposed method incorporates a perceptually motivated stationary wavelet packet ...
The spectral subtraction method is a classical approach for enhancement of degraded speech. The basic principle of this technique is to estimate the short-time spectral magnitude of speech by subtracting estimated noise from the noisy speech spectrum ...
An improved spectral subtraction algorithm for enhancing speech corrupted by additive wideband noise is described. The artifactual noise introduced by spectral subtraction that is perceived as musical noise is 7 dB less than that introduced by the ...
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