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View all- Zhang YZhang XYu JShi YSu L(2023)Quantification and analysis of performance fluctuation in distributed file systemCluster Computing10.1007/s10586-023-04141-427:3(3149-3162)Online publication date: 22-Sep-2023
In wireless local area network (WLAN), improving the quality of service (QoS) of users is often at odd with striking fairness among users. In this work, we suggest that in WLAN, multiple types of network resources should be jointly allocated to users to ...
In the Internet, applications with very distinct requirements share the same network resources. In order to avoid QoS degradation, the resource manager component from QoS mechanism should distribute the available bandwidth in efficient and fair way. ...
In wireless mesh networks, quality-of-service (QoS) support and fair rate allocation are usually considered separately. Fair rate allocation frameworks proposed in previous work focus on elastic flows that do not have explicit service quality ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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