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Enhancing label transfer in non-parametric scene parsing by superpixel-based dense alignment

Published: 19 December 2021 Publication History


Contemporary (parametric) scene parsing methods are learning-based and mostly operate in a closed-universe scenario. We introduce a non-parametric scene parsing framework that is model-free, data-driven, and scales naturally to growing data. The scene parsing performance in the non-parametric approach depends on reliable dense correspondence or alignment across scenes for label transfer. Incorrect correspondence is known to affect the scene parsing results adversely. We propose a label transfer approach that relies on the dense correspondence of super-pixel pairs (in a query and candidate image) matched by a homogeneous kernel map to guide semantic label transfer. The aggregation (fusing) of multiple labels is done through a simple heuristic aggregation scheme (simple majority voting). The Markov Random Field (MRF) provides a principled probabilistic framework for combining the disparate information in the smoothing stage and ensures plausible labeling results. Evaluation results show that our non-parametric system obtains competitive scene parsing performance on the standard SIFT Flow and MSRC-21 datasets.


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ICVGIP '21: Proceedings of the Twelfth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing
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Published: 19 December 2021


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