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AR in TV: Design and Evaluation of Mid-Air Gestures for Moderators to Control Augmented Reality Applications in TV

Published: 25 February 2022 Publication History


Recent developments in augmented reality for TV productions encouraged broadcasters to enhance interaction with virtual content for moderators. However, traditional interaction methods are considered distracting and not intuitive. To overcome these issues, we performed a gesture elicitation study with a follow-up evaluation. For this, we considered TV moderators as primary users of the gestures as well as viewers as recipients. The elicited gesture set consists of five gestures for two types of camera shots (long shot and close shot). Findings of the evaluation study indicate that the derived set of gestures requires low physical and concentration effort from moderators. Also, both moderators and viewers found them appropriate to be used in TV with respect to understandability, distraction, likeability, and appropriateness. Using these gestures would allow moderators to control AR content in TV and tell stories in a modern and more expressive way.

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  • (2023)Factors Affecting the Results of Gesture Elicitation: A Review2023 11th International Conference in Software Engineering Research and Innovation (CONISOFT)10.1109/CONISOFT58849.2023.00030(169-176)Online publication date: 6-Nov-2023
  • (2023)Using Mid-Air Haptics to Guide Mid-Air InteractionsHuman-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 202310.1007/978-3-031-42280-5_3(43-64)Online publication date: 28-Aug-2023
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MUM '21: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia
December 2021
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Published: 25 February 2022


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  1. Augmented Reality
  2. Elicitation Study
  3. Gesture
  4. TV


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  • (2024)Exploring Methods to Optimize Gesture Elicitation Studies: A Systematic Literature ReviewIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2024.338726912(64958-64979)Online publication date: 2024
  • (2023)Factors Affecting the Results of Gesture Elicitation: A Review2023 11th International Conference in Software Engineering Research and Innovation (CONISOFT)10.1109/CONISOFT58849.2023.00030(169-176)Online publication date: 6-Nov-2023
  • (2023)Using Mid-Air Haptics to Guide Mid-Air InteractionsHuman-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 202310.1007/978-3-031-42280-5_3(43-64)Online publication date: 28-Aug-2023
  • (2022)Scenario-based Exploration of Integrating Radar Sensing into Everyday Objects for Free-Hand Television ControlProceedings of the 2022 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences10.1145/3505284.3532982(357-362)Online publication date: 21-Jun-2022

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