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From-The-Wild: Towards Co-Designing For and From Nature

Published: 28 April 2022 Publication History


Here we present in-progress methodological research exploring how to co-design technology for nature-related experiences. To support increasingly situated and participatory practices in this space, we propose a turn towards co-designing from-the-wild, i.e. ideating during raw engagements that are radically situated in nature. Our approach extends existing in-the-wild practices by (1) enacting co-design in natural (rather than human-made) environments, and (2) avoiding techniques that privilege the designer's agenda over other stakeholders’ and compromise the situated nature of ideation. Our contribution includes: (1) the proposal of co-designing from-the-wild as a response to the limitations of existing in-the-wild methods when designing for and from nature; and (2) early reflections from our hands-on engagement with said approach, which begin to surface exciting opportunities and constraints emerging in this methodological space. By sharing our work-in-progress with the HCI community, we hope to spark a conversation stimulating future co-design methods research in increasingly wilder directions.

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MP4 File (3491101.3519811-talk-video.mp4)
Talk Video


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cover image ACM Conferences
CHI EA '22: Extended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
April 2022
3066 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 28 April 2022


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Author Tags

  1. Co-design
  2. design methods
  3. design research
  4. from-the-wild
  5. human-forest interaction
  6. in-the-wild
  7. interaction design
  8. nature
  9. situated design


  • Poster
  • Research
  • Refereed limited

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  • Academy of Finland Flagship, UNITE


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