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Vibing Together: Dance Experiences in Social Virtual Reality

Published: 29 April 2022 Publication History


Dancing is a universal human activity, and also a domain of enduring significance in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research. However, there has been limited investigation into how computing supports the experiences of recreational dancers. Concurrently, a diverse and sizeable dance community has been emerging in VRChat. Little is known about these dancers’ experiences, motivations, and practices. Yet shedding light into these could inform both VR technology development and the design of systems that better support embodied and complex social interactions. To bridge this gap, we interviewed participants active in the VRChat dance scene. Through thematic analysis, we identified six central facets of their experiences related to freedom, community, dance as an individual experience, dance as a shared experience, dance as a performance, and self-expression and -exploration. Based on these findings, we discuss emerging tensions and highlight beneficial impacts of dancing in VR as well as problems that still await resolving.

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