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Maker Technology and the Promise of Empowerment in a Flemish School for Disabled Children

Published: 29 April 2022 Publication History


Maker culture encourages do-it-yourself practices to create, repair, and repurpose technology. In Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research, it is seen as a means of empowering people, providing affordable and customisable technology with potential to enrich areas such as education or assistive technology. To investigate this alleged potential, we performed an anthropological inquiry at an elementary school for disabled children that lasted one year, participating in everyday activities with students, teachers, and therapists. We observed ‘heterogeneity in a fluid environment’ and ‘creativity in the moment’ in an ‘endemically underfunded’ setting. We saw how technology is ‘injecting dependencies’, ‘reinforcing disability’, and ‘occupying time and space’, changing our view on the role that making can have. Leveraging Empowerment Theory, we highlight how (making) technology risks ignoring the intertwined dynamics between the individual, the organisational, and the community, and articulate points for reflection for technology in schools for disabled children for the HCI research community.


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    • (2024)A rapid-prototyping toolkit for people with intellectual disabilitiesInternational Journal of Human-Computer Studies10.1016/j.ijhcs.2024.103347192(103347)Online publication date: Dec-2024
    • (2023)Play—An essential part of children’s lives and their computational empowermentFrontiers in Education10.3389/feduc.2022.10887167Online publication date: 21-Feb-2023
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