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View all- Jit SSpinney JChandra PChilton LSoden R(2024)Writing out the Storm: Designing and Evaluating Tools for Weather Risk MessagingProceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3613904.3641926(1-16)Online publication date: 11-May-2024
- Simko LSri Ramulu HKohno TAcar Y(2023)The Use and Non-Use of Technology During HurricanesProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/36102157:CSCW2(1-54)Online publication date: 4-Oct-2023
- Prabhudesai SYang LAsthana SHuan XLiao QBanovic N(2023)Understanding Uncertainty: How Lay Decision-makers Perceive and Interpret Uncertainty in Human-AI Decision MakingProceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces10.1145/3581641.3584033(379-396)Online publication date: 27-Mar-2023