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The Challenge of (Non-)Disclosure: Exploring the Lived Experience of Ethiopian Adolescents with HIV and Their Attitudes Toward Technology

Published: 29 April 2022 Publication History


Adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa are at the epicenter of the global HIV epidemic. Yet, technology to support HIV management overwhelmingly focuses on adult medication adherence, neglecting the complex lives of adolescents in low-income regions. We present findings from interviews and focus groups that included twelve HIV-positive adolescents in Ethiopia, and eleven adults from their care circles. We leverage the Integrated Behavioral Model to examine the lived experience of HIV and the space for technology. Additionally, we present an inductive thematic analysis, which highlights non-disclosure as a central theme, i.e., adolescents remaining unaware of their HIV status. Drawing from these findings, we discuss how to account for (the lack of) disclosure in the design of technology to support HIV management, and reflect on whether technology could (and should) support the process. We further highlight the risks that researchers and designers need to be aware of when designing HIV management technology for this audience.

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  1. The Challenge of (Non-)Disclosure: Exploring the Lived Experience of Ethiopian Adolescents with HIV and Their Attitudes Toward Technology



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    • (2023)Qualitative Study on the Voices of Adolescents Living with Perinatally Acquired HIV in Selected Clinics in the Limpopo Province of South AfricaChildren10.3390/children1101002811:1(28)Online publication date: 26-Dec-2023
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